And our beloved Ernest Rowe will be part of the team.
MOD EDIT: merged with existing press release
Sorry about that moderators. I guess I was late to the party when I posted this morning under General Airgunning, I just hardly ever go to the Announcement and Specials page?
I usually just hit the General Airgunning first, PCP Airguns second, and then the Target Shooting page ;-)
I jumped the gun I was so excited this morning. I read on here rumors of the distribution center being in North Carolina? Wilmington would be a great place??? LOL Close to the State Ports ;-)
Please post a sticky under General Airgunning so folks will see this quicker. Like I say I wasn't even aware of it till my comment got merged by the moderator.
Man, this just makes my day. Love it!
MOD EDIT: merged with existing press release
Sorry about that moderators. I guess I was late to the party when I posted this morning under General Airgunning, I just hardly ever go to the Announcement and Specials page?
I usually just hit the General Airgunning first, PCP Airguns second, and then the Target Shooting page ;-)
I jumped the gun I was so excited this morning. I read on here rumors of the distribution center being in North Carolina? Wilmington would be a great place??? LOL Close to the State Ports ;-)
Please post a sticky under General Airgunning so folks will see this quicker. Like I say I wasn't even aware of it till my comment got merged by the moderator.
Man, this just makes my day. Love it!
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