Air Arms Pro-Sport

I pointed that one out yesterday. I think it could be a nice gun with a little work. Good price too.
More or less straight up. The gun should be in a position so you can comfortably pull down the underlever with your left arm as if you're trying to elbow yourself on the lower left side of your ribs. Your forearm should be kept lined up with your upper arm. Picture a rowing motion that starts up high and doesn't allow your elbow to flare away from your body.
Going to give this a try again, I think I tried it before but it didn't work as well for me. When I cock the 97K I pull down with a under hand grip, so I'm using my bicep.
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Uh-oh, it looks like it's time for my standard Pro-Sport PSA. ;)

Pro-Sports can be very easy to cock -- when done correctly. Assuming you're right handed, the natural thing is to put the butt on or around your right hip when cocking it with the left hand. That's bad ergonomics; it causes your left arm to cross in front of your torso, limiting the involvement of your strongest muscles and forcing your left shoulder to over exert. Instead, move the butt to your left hip and, when you cock it, keep your left elbow from flaring out. That way your bicep and lats do most of the work, kind of like a rowing motion. I can shoot my PS all day that way.
I tried your way again and I think I got it now. It's a little awkward at first, but it does take the pressure off my elbow and shoulder which is a good thing. Thanks for mentioning your method again for us hard I'll be perfecting this method for me as I get use to it.👊🏻
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Going to give this a try again, I think I tried it before but it didn't work as well for me. When I cock the 97K I pull down with a under hand grip, so I'm using my bicep.
I hold the gun sidewise with the butt placed into the crease at the top of the leg , then pull the underlever to the side holding the gun steady with my hand just in front of the trigger around the fore stock .
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