Problem with Brocock Compatto Target .22 regulated Huma


First of all, i introduce myself because i'm new on this forum.

My name's Rémi, 45 years old and leave in Paris, France. So, sorry formy poor english...

Here's my problem.

I've a very slow leak on my Compatto. In 1 month, pressure come down from 150 bars to 100 bars. Thanks to a "personnal system", i localyse this leak between part 11 and part 13. (see picture below)

For information, my Compatto is regulated with an Huma Air regulator. So, my problem seems to come from regulator o'ring. I must replace it.

And my problem is here: it's impossible to unscrew part 11 from part 13 (see picture)

Does anyboby could help me and say how to unscrew the part 11 ?

Thanks by advance


Sukkoi, I added a Huma to my compatto last year. My gun had either corrosion or white locktite in the threads. I got advise from a UK forum that will help you. You have to put a thick piece of leather or rubber belting around the threads, to protect them, then secure a good pair of vice grips to the part. With a mallet you then strike the handle of the vice grips to “shock” the parts loose. It might take one or two tries but it will come apart. Make sure you secure the airtube in a vice, with protection from the jaws. I tried heating the parts and also freezing them in liquid nitrogen, brute force was the only way to get them apart. I think a problem is also associated with one part being aluminum and the airtube being steel. These parts are prone to seazing together. I had to break it loose again after hand tightening the two just to test the fit of the regulator. Good Luck! Have patience, it will work. Tyler
They are just attached extremely tight. You will need a vise and a good set of pliers. Be warned it takes more force than you will be comfortable putting on it to loosen. Use leather strapping or thick rubber between the pliers and the tube and the vise or you will mar the parts. They will be much softer than the tools. Be careful and go slow. If you are not equipped or are uneasy about it, it may be best to have a gunsmith that specializes in air rifles take care of it. Also if it is only 1 month old you may be able to have your local brocock dealer fix it.