HW/Weihrauch Problems with my Shotgrouping Hw77k

Hi i am new here
I hope someone could help me with my hw77k
Im shooting it for a while but i noticed that my groupings are change at different shot angles,
Shot from shooting rest
Target was at 20meters
One at ca 40cm from the ground end the upper one at 60cm from the ground


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Move your thumb from across the stock to pointing forward along side the stock. Changing pressure on the back of the grip changes poi up and down. Make sure your rest is padded and at the balance point of the forend.

You need to develop a very specific shot process (a checklist) to go through if you want it to behave. Even the smallest things matter.
Have you tried different pellets in the rifle? Each rifle has certain pellets that group better than others. My HW90 loves JSB 16s but will not shoot Crosman 14s well at all. This coupled with what c m shooter said will help. Remember, the spring expands and pushes the air forward to propel the pellet. In that small amount of time any movement, flinching, breathing, etc. affects the group. Consistency in process and the right pellet for the rifle will reap benefits.
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What post #2 said and i i do this type of breathing = slower intake calm slow out AS i am breathing out i take up the first stage and as my lungs are empty squeeze the second stage to release the pellet . takes a bit of practice but it works . becomes auto in a very short time .
Move your thumb from across the stock to pointing forward along side the stock. Changing pressure on the back of the grip changes poi up and down. Make sure your rest is padded and at the balance point of the forend.

You need to develop a very specific shot process (a checklist) to go through if you want it to behave. Even the smallest things matter.
Thanks for the Tips i will try it these days and let you know
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Have you tried different pellets in the rifle? Each rifle has certain pellets that group better than others. My HW90 loves JSB 16s but will not shoot Crosman 14s well at all. This coupled with what c m shooter said will help. Remember, the spring expands and pushes the air forward to propel the pellet. In that small amount of time any movement, flinching, breathing, etc. affects the group. Consistency in process and the right pellet for the rifle will reap benefits.
I tried many different types of pellets and im moat comfortable with the field target trophy in 4.49mm tanks!;)
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So, if I read this correctly, you are shooting everything the same, assuming rested from a bench. And the top target and the bottom target were fixed and shot one after the other? My point is, the top group and the bottom group looks about the same to me. with the top one having a high right "flyer" and the bottom having a left "flyer". So, even though you were given good shooting advice, your groups seem consistent. Maybe a couple scope clicks up and a couple to the left. That and some practice and I think your groups will tighten up and be closer to the point of aim. My 2 cents...
Hi i am new here
I hope someone could help me with my hw77k
Im shooting it for a while but i noticed that my groupings are change at different shot angles,
Shot from shooting rest
Target was at 20meters
One at ca 40cm from the ground end the upper one at 60cm from the ground

View attachment 550368

View attachment 550369
Really not that bad of shooting!
Another little tip have you checked the stock screws? I check mine every time I get it out! Just another habit that's very important.
Some good advice above, I will add a bit. Its all about absolute repeatability. You will find a scope level a help. If you have a leather bag put a little baby powder on it at the start of every session. If your shooting off a rest under the forend like I do and you have a bag in the rear if that bag is soft you will get vertical. If you have an adjustable front rest and are shooting rows of bullseyes you adjust the front rest rise up or down as you change rows because adjusting elevation my moving the rifle forwards or backwards will change your point of impact. If your shooting outdoors without flags or ribbons your cheating yourself. Test different pellets I use only Air Arms , JBS, or JTS. I no longer waste my time with others. Put a piece of colored tape on the side of your for end so you keep the rifle in the same position. Shooting groups will help you pick a pellet. Shooting bullseye and hitting dots will tell you how good a shooter you are. When someone mentions artillery hold tune them out . Have fun. And as always check your screws, gun, scope and mounts with a torque wench . Light triggers make for good shooting, thats why there is a screw to adjust it. Oops one other thing on pellets. For flat face I do use H&N Finale Lite. The more you touch the gun the harder it is to shoot well.
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I didn't know if you may have been referring to different elevations. Elevations changes are similar to range changes. I'm only aware of that because I shoot at fairly long range for a springer and the targets are about 7 feet elevation difference top to bottom. I first noticed it shooting the HW30 at 75 yards. :)
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Really not that bad of shooting!
Another little tip have you checked the stock screws? I check mine every time I get it out! Just another habit that's very important.

This right here. There are two screws on the trigger guard. One big one and a little one that requires different sized screw driver bits. There are also two on the stock near the front of the rifle. I recommend using blue locktite on the screws to stop them from backing out.
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