After viewing some comments, I would like to add something. I think I got the little shroud extension from MM back when I bought my Prod. The key to a quiet gun is a perfectly tuned gun. Guys chasing big power have to use a bigger can when your gun is an air hog and wasting air out the barrel. I’ve never had to use anything bigger than a 4.5-5” Huggett, 0db or Tanto on .25 slug gun when perfectly tuned.

I remember seeing those MM LDC's when I was still in Asia.

I think they were around $60 when they were still available.

Mr. John, I remember reading this one:
I have the Sumo and it really quiets down the bark but there are a few issues you need to be aware of.

1. You'll need to unscrew the Sumo for every fill.

2. If you screw on the Sumo a little too tight the unf adapter might get stuck to the Sumo when unscrewing to refill and the adapter will un-thread at the shroud, or the shroud will un-thread at the breech. I highly recommend blue loctite the unf adapter to the shroud and the shroud to the breech to avoid this issue.

3. Any moderator will change your point of impact. The Sumo is actually quite heavy, which will ever so slightly droop the barrel downwards and your point of impact will be substantially lower than not having a moderator at all. You'll need to decide if you want to zero with or without the Sumo.

4. Some pellets grouped better with the Sumo on and I have yet come across any pellets that group worse with the Sumo on.

These were my observation of owning the Prod and Sumo for 3 months with over 2000 pellets down the range😁