RTI Prophet / Priest .177 slug shooters - are there any in here? ;-)

Cutting to the chase - I have a 20" (510mm) .177 LW barrel in one of my prophets and it really likes jsb 13g ko's. I'm down to my last tin of them. I've heard / seen via youtube (and maybe in here?) that the zan's are supposed to be quite good. The Danish youtube guy (Viking Airgunner) - he swears by the 16g zan's. He's also got a 700mm barrel too so . . . . he can get 'em up to speed w/out much effort. I'm just curious if any of you guys are shooting the subjected and with what for ammo? I'm tempted to pick up a "tin" ( carton - whatever the zan's come in ) of both the 13's and the 16's just to try them out.

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Do I just not be a knucklehead and grab another 4 or 5 tins of a known good ammo and be done with it? ( lol ) I kinda don't mind experimenting but then again - I also (potentially) wind up with yet another tin of "X" ammo that didn't work and it winds up just sitting in a box taking up space . . .

Thanks guys

-=- jd -=-
Just got a LW .177 20” to play with in my P1 that started life as a .22 compact. It now sports the larger plenum and except for that is fairly stock except for the added shroud volume and other gizmos we aren’t allowed to discuss.

The .22 tune with with a 20” CZ barrel netted 890fps @ ~125bar with the 22gr JTS pellet..a 40FPE squirrel 🐿 hammer 🔨

Did a swap with the new .177 LW..changing nothing but the barrel.. and 10gr JSB Knock Out MK3 slugs are running at 1020fps. Have some Zan 13gr on order and hopefully they’ll be doing around 990fps. Can’t wait to to try them.
Cutting to the chase - I have a 20" (510mm) .177 LW barrel in one of my prophets and it really likes jsb 13g ko's. I'm down to my last tin of them. I've heard / seen via youtube (and maybe in here?) that the zan's are supposed to be quite good. The Danish youtube guy (Viking Airgunner) - he swears by the 16g zan's. He's also got a 700mm barrel too so . . . . he can get 'em up to speed w/out much effort. I'm just curious if any of you guys are shooting the subjected and with what for ammo? I'm tempted to pick up a "tin" ( carton - whatever the zan's come in ) of both the 13's and the 16's just to try them out.

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Do I just not be a knucklehead and grab another 4 or 5 tins of a known good ammo and be done with it? ( lol ) I kinda don't mind experimenting but then again - I also (potentially) wind up with yet another tin of "X" ammo that didn't work and it winds up just sitting in a box taking up space . . .

Thanks guys

-=- jd -=-
How fast have you gotten those 13.43gr jsb to move? Those guns are supposed to have enough juice to spit that to 1000fps even with the short barrel no?

The 13gr and the 10gr zans are great specially in the lower power levels. The 16gr are good at 880ish and great above 920fps
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Cutting to the chase - I have a 20" (510mm) .177 LW barrel in one of my prophets and it really likes jsb 13g ko's. I'm down to my last tin of them. I've heard / seen via youtube (and maybe in here?) that the zan's are supposed to be quite good. The Danish youtube guy (Viking Airgunner) - he swears by the 16g zan's. He's also got a 700mm barrel too so . . . . he can get 'em up to speed w/out much effort. I'm just curious if any of you guys are shooting the subjected and with what for ammo? I'm tempted to pick up a "tin" ( carton - whatever the zan's come in ) of both the 13's and the 16's just to try them out.

------> OR <------

Do I just not be a knucklehead and grab another 4 or 5 tins of a known good ammo and be done with it? ( lol ) I kinda don't mind experimenting but then again - I also (potentially) wind up with yet another tin of "X" ammo that didn't work and it winds up just sitting in a box taking up space . . .

Thanks guys

-=- jd -=-
Get more of what you “know” works for you. For example I just received a tin of H&N .22 / .218 / 23 GR. slugs. Yes they are sexy and look the business. But the reality of how I use “my” PCPs has pellets performing better at the ranges I shoot. I could start “chasing” a “better tune?” for these slugs to try and achieve parity with the pellets. But why? I already have a job, for me pellets, out of a pellet gun simply work, that they are less expensive? Simply icing on the cake… Slugs to me are a solution in search of a problem. The majority come to airguns for the “short range” opportunities…
Wow ... nice guys. Thanks for the feedback. @JaceSpace1369 - throttling the reg up a bit to around 145-150 bar I'm sending the jsb 13's at 935'ish and they're quite happy. Relatively efficient too ... I've never actually run the bottle all the way down but am for sure getting at least 70 shots per fill at this current tune. Strike that - not the bottle but rather to below reg. ( it's early, alarm just went off for work ... lol )

I'll likely just stick with the jsb's and stick with not having to dink with it. Feed it air, feed it ammo and just run with it.
Wow ... nice guys. Thanks for the feedback. @JaceSpace1369 - throttling the reg up a bit to around 145-150 bar I'm sending the jsb 13's at 935'ish and they're quite happy. Relatively efficient too ... I've never actually run the bottle all the way down but am for sure getting at least 70 shots per fill at this current tune. Strike that - not the bottle but rather to below reg. ( it's early, alarm just went off for work ... lol )

I'll likely just stick with the jsb's and stick with not having to dink with it. Feed it air, feed it ammo and just run with it.
Oh wow, I was expecting a bit more juice, good power nonetheless! In my experience if you want be the best accuracy and expansion you will have to go for the 10gr jsb's and the 10 and the 13gr zans. Given you can't push the 16gr as fast to get as good of an expansion. If you don't care for it as mucj then you can try the 16gr but sometimes the zan slugs can dirty in the bags. And by that I mean that they can with tiny pieces of sawdust or whatever tumbling material they use.
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So (sitting here at my desk @work -- not, ummmmmm . . . . working . . . lol ) I literally just checked UA as they seem to have most everything these days. Interestingly the 13g ZAN's are *cheaper* price wise than the JSB's. Both 400 count. That alone makes them a contender to try. I just may buy a box of 'em and see how they compare to the jsb's . . .
Im a fan of a .177 slug set up.
2 LW barrels for both the prophets.
JSB 13 knockout were excellent, just none available locally.
Tried Zan 10, 13 and 16 gr. Happy with the results . 13 in particular.
Used up the 10 boxes I purchased, bought another 5 boxes of Zan 13, nothing like the early results. A big disappointment.
Cleansed barrel etc, all the normal stuff.

No knockout available locally, have to import.

Working out cheaper with the .22 barrel fitted, available slugs etc.

Shame, I was enjoying the .177 slugs.
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Update on this. I did buy a box of the 13g zan's - just to try 'em out and give 'em a fair shake. They *do* shoot consistently out of my barrel - poi a little different than the jsb's but consistently hitting the same spot. Ranging ( at my current tune ) is . . . different. (?) POI at almost all ranges I tried them at out in my back yard were a little low - almost as if slightly heavier. ( ?? ) (( but their not - I don't think )) Everything I've see with them from vendors web sites, to the box they showed up in lists them as 13g. Period. Flat - 13. The jsb's are in fact listed as heavier @13.43g. {who knows} I ran 20 or 30 of the zans through a freshly cleaned barrel and again - they show promise for sure but also seem like I might have to "re-tune" my gun for them.

Nahh . . . not gonna happen. ( lol )

I loaded up a couple magazines of the jsb's again and voilà - every shot on every target in the back yard at every distance I tested at - right back on target. I just bought a bunch more from PA that will carry me through the year.
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