FX Proposal to FX """""mainly"""", but for the benefit of other air rifle makers.

I guess but 5/6 friends with leaking,poi changes impacts would say something different
I currently own two, a Maverick and an M3. I can assure you I’m not a fanboy as I’ve owned and gotten rid of items I’m not happy with. I’ve had zero issues with either once I learned hire to tune them and got them where I want to.
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Not say I won't buy one anyways I just have to realize what I'm getting into. The poi is my biggiest problem with the impacts. I don't want to have to shoot my gun before I go hunting to "settle" it in. I even had a FX dealer tell me that the impacts and Panthera have to be shot a few times before the poi quits and the reg works properly. I'm also the type I could care less about changing out calibers on the same gun. If I work at tuning it and get it just right I'm not going to touch it. If I like the particular rifle I would just buy another in a different caliber.
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I would love to hear from the FX impact type model owners that have never touched their guns , just right out of the box success , meaning they bought exactly what they expected and did or did not get it . Maybe just a FPS adjustment to fit the pellet best speed . Anybody love their natural born FX impact ?
Maybe its just me but I like being able to tune my guns how I want, not how the gun needs. Balanced valves sadly do not do well with low power tunes.

Add to that all the o-rings on some of these guns, just another headache that can be avoided with simpler designs out there.

If it ain't broke don't fix it. Hammer smacks valve, valve releases air, air and projectile travel down bore, pellet hit target. Really not rocket science but some of these guns you darn near need a PHD to work on or diagnose once something goes wrong. Doesn't take 2k and 50 orings to be boringly accurate.

I would love to hear from the FX impact type model owners that have never touched their guns , just right out of the box success , meaning they bought exactly what they expected and did or did not get it . Maybe just a FPS adjustment to fit the pellet best speed . Anybody love their natural born FX impact ?
Like I said my one friend loves his and switches barrels on it. I would like a impact in 600 or compact for hunting in 177
People have different expectations and use. I wanted my Mav Compact to perform at the 30y challenge, and I tried a lot to get it better. Just when I thought I knew what to expect, I’d get a POI shift. Having to contend with the luck of the pellet draw is enough for me.
It came to a point I felt the rifle was holding me back. When I had my Royale 400 I knew that if I did my part the rifle would do it’s part. I never even had to think about pellet sorting with the Royale.
People have different expectations and use. I wanted my Mav Compact to perform at the 30y challenge, and I tried a lot to get it better. Just when I thought I knew what to expect, I’d get a POI shift. Having to contend with the luck of the pellet draw is enough for me.
It came to a point I felt the rifle was holding me back. When I had my Royale 400 I knew that if I did my part the rifle would do it’s part. I never even had to think about pellet sorting with the Royale.
The guys that's shoot the royale at our club shoot them awesome usually in top 3.
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You know how many fx guns have went out and no problems with them alot more than bad ones only hear about the bad stuff
Save yourself the frustration. Once two drops of blood hit the water the haters come out in numbers. This thread will run for 4 maybe 5 pages before the frenzy dies.
These recent threads are super 'Debby Downers'. I had a major scare with FX USA closing and no one I could call or email, but in 3 weeks my rifle showed up fixed and well gone through by FX-USA. I bought 2 Pantheras (22 cal and 25cal) both had valves upgraded via FX USA. Both are laser beams that can Hammer energy into a slug (much more so with the 25 cal), so I see why the valve needed to be stronger design.
I have my 25cal Panthera on sale right now in classifieds but it is only to fund a new project and one Panthera is enough. The FX customer service has been excellent, even with defunct-ness FX-USA (they only needed a contact person, not perfect but ). Utah Airguns will continue with good service I am sure. I think FX will continue to make things right ...
FX has strong points and some weak points ... so is life. I had a vudoo v22 22lr rifle that had a gravel road for a chamber... a very expensive live and learn experience. What has been different with FX is that they do stand by their rifles and fix things to be right. my 2 cent experience. Charlie
I won't buy another fx intil it comes with a solid barrel like the sidewinder but it's to ugly. I guess I'm still waiting. it shouldn't need all that stuff too make the straw stiffer.
Sorry to inform you but one of my Impacts wears a real barrel 24/7 and another I put one on from time to time. The gun can still be quirky with a real barrel. The whole finding a node thing diminishes substantially but I can’t claim a real barrel fixes everything. There are still I’s to dot and T’s to cross.
One if my Impacts was tuned by SPAW, tuned to shoot 33.93 JSBs for bench rest. It shot pretty well, but I’m not a pellet shooter or bench rest guy. I’m a lay on the ground and shoot as far as I can see guy. So that tune lasted about 45 mins. That was all the pellets I had. Then came the slugs and honestly, it took me almost a day and half to really get what I wanted. And really, if I would have followed my instincts and put a 8g hammer in it, I would have had half a day. It shoots wonderfully. I shoot the gun at no less than 150yds and usually my opening cold bore shot is 145 on a 3” plate. Sometimes it’s a hit sometimes it’s not. Usually it’s me. Very very happy with its accuracy. It can usually hold its own with my RimX. Can’t beat it, but it’s very close. BTW, for all these “I want a 1/4” MOA cold bore rifle” guys, even powder burners usually need a shot or two to be as accurate as their potential. Just FYI

My other Impact was factory fresh. Never been touched. And honestly, I really thought about leaving it alone. Haha ya right. It lasted about two weeks until the new barrel came in. It shot well, with slugs, but I had a .25 and I wanted a .17.

I bought all of my FXs, I have 5, with the intention of changing, tuning, modifying and shooting them. Then changing them some more. I’ve finally landed on some long term guns and I had SO much fun getting there. I never would have learned what I know by buying just a Daystate and a BSA. Every penny I spent was tuition on learning how these guns work. I wouldnt change a thing, its why they were conceived.

I have owned 2 Wildcats, 1 Impact mkII, 1 Crown Continuum .22 and a Crown .25. All of them have been extremely accurate right out of the box with zero adjustments ever done. Typically I search online for what pellet works best.
I do wish all manufacturers supplied, either included or available seperately, a tuning manual, whether specific or generic for the particular rifle design.
Or perhaps a school you can attend, similar to the regulator rebuilding schools I went to when in the scuba industry.
Tuning an air rifle is no different than reloading for PB’s. There’s a lot of work to squeeze out every last bit of potential accuracy.