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Events PSA - AAFTA Field Target Match - August 11, 2024 - Palmyra, PA

Palmyra Sportsmen's Association (near Hershey, PA) - Field Target - Sunday, August 11, 2024

Our August rifle match is slightly different than our other events. This is a 60 shot match and everyone will start shooting the course at the same time via a shotgun start. There will be a shooter's meeting at 9:15am. The match fee is $15.

8:00am - 9:15am - Registration and sight in
9:15am - Shooter's meeting
9:30am - Match begins

The match will be 15 lanes, with two targets per lane, and two shots per target. (60 total shots)
There will be forced position lanes for standing and kneeling.
Timers will be used. You will have 5 minutes per lane.

We shoot rain or shine. Although we intend to place the course in a field and woods layout, if we expect rain we will setup the course on our covered ranges.

Palmyra Sportsmen's Assoc. - Field Target

410 Sportsman Rd.
Annville, PA 17003