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Events PSA - Indoor Field Target - February 9, 2025 - Palmyra, PA

Palmyra Sportsmen's Association (near Hershey, PA) - Indoor Field Target - Sunday, February 9, 2025.

Our Indoor Field Target event is a great way to get introduced to field target, have fun, or practice for the upcoming outdoor season. Even if you do not intend to shoot and just want to learn more about the air gun field target game, consider stopping by to observe and ask questions.

Targets are placed at ranges between 10 yards and 22 yards, and will be set to an AAFTA legal difficulty for standing position shots. If you are an experienced FT shooter, we encourage you to shoot the entire course standing. You are not required to shoot the standing position, there are no position restrictions for this event, shoot whatever positions you feel comfortable. The course is 5 lanes with two targets per lane, 2 shots per target. Although targets are set using rifle difficulty, you can shoot with pistol.

Since the targets are not placed at long distances, this event provides an opportunity to use guns more suited to shorter distances. You may consider shooting a multi-pump pellet gun (no BBs), pistols, or guns that shoot at lower energy levels than required for the outdoor game.

Guns must not exceed 20 fpe (foot-pounds of energy) at the muzzle.

This event is held in our clubhouse on our indoor rifle range. We will be open for sign-ups between 9AM and 1PM. Cost is $5 per round, you can re-enter as many times as time allows.

Palmyra Sportsmen's Assoc. - Field Target

For more info about indoor field target at PSA: https://www.palmyrasportsmens.com/Indoor-Field-Target

410 Sportsman Rd.
Annville, PA 17003