Puget Sound area tank filling services for PCP rifles

Amazon has 4500psi electric compressors that are compact and work thru outlet or car battery for around 300...just make sure to purchase one with an extended warranty and you're good to go! Only thing is you can only fill a gun not a fill bottle. Have one that I use for back up as I have a shop that fills bottles only 1 mile from me. You live in a gorgeous place!
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Thanks Ranchibi! Issaquah is beautiful. We live on Tiger Mtn and the coyotes are out of control. I was in my backyard talking to my neighbor and caught a coyote out of the corner of my eye streaking down the hill towards my little dog. If I had been looking the other way, and not yelled at the last minute, it would have ended horribly. This was in the afternoon, broad daylight. Pretty brazen. We also have cougars, bob cats and bears that cut through our yard which borders 15 Mile Creek. Of course I wouldn’t shoot any of those, but I have no problem putting a coyote down.
Stop in at your local fire department and inquire about where they get their scba apparatus serviced? locally or send-out? If locally, and within a reasonable distance, that service provider "should" also be favorable to filling your tank to 4500psi for a fee.
I spent over 12 years a volunteer fireman and our department had its' own compressor and cascade system to refill scba' back in the '90's.... so I have to imagine most any department nowadays also has their own.
Most department policies will not allow for filling "outsiders" tanks.... but you never know unless you ask? ;) and of course offer up a donation to their firemans' fund.
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Thanks Ranchibi! Issaquah is beautiful. We live on Tiger Mtn and the coyotes are out of control. I was in my backyard talking to my neighbor and caught a coyote out of the corner of my eye streaking down the hill towards my little dog. If I had been looking the other way, and not yelled at the last minute, it would have ended horribly. This was in the afternoon, broad daylight. Pretty brazen. We also have cougars, bob cats and bears that cut through our yard which borders 15 Mile Creek. Of course I wouldn’t shoot any of those, but I have no problem putting a coyote down.
Wow! So glad you saw the yote before it hit your pup! I luv dogs and would do anything to protect them! We have yotes on most of the golf courses I play and they to walk within a few feet of players and let you get to within a few feet of them when looking for a ball.....very bold.
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Wow! So glad you saw the yote before ot hit your pup! I luv dogs and would do anything to protect them! We have yotes on most of the golf courses I play and they to walk within a few feet of players and let you get to within a few feet of them when looking for a ball.....very bold.
I love my dogs more than people! I recently retired and spend about 75% of my time alone with my dogs. My wife is still working and falls asleep a couple of hours after she gets home. So, it’s me and my dogs. It’s amazing how in sync you get with them. I’d take a bullet for them and I’m sure they’d do the same for me.
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First, I think Coyotes are too large for an air rifle, unless it is of a very large caliber. A PB would be the preferred tool for a humane kill. However, if you are using the Coyote issue as an excuse to get into PCP guns, my advice will not help. If you are determined to get into PCP guns, be advised that the cost of high pressure air (HPA) is the most expensive part of the hobby by far.

Air guns can be less expensive than PBs, but only if you shoot a lot. A lot, say 10,000 rounds a year. It is very easy to invest more than $5,000 just in entry level HPA. There is no such thing as low dollar air. Eyes wide open!
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I love my dogs more than people! I recently retired and spend about 75% of my time alone with my dogs. My wife is still working and falls asleep a couple of hours after she gets home. So, it’s me and my dogs. It’s amazing how in sync you get with them. I’d take a bullet for them and I’m sure they’d do the same for me.
Ha! Right with you on this...in my humble opinion, only 2 creatures on this earth that are "good" for the most part, dogs and dolfins! LOL! We had two female chihuahuas that I bonded with so strongly that after they passed away at age 17 seven years ago, I still cannot look at photos or videos of them or I'd break down into tears to this very day!
We all should be like dogs,not like dicks,LOL All animals have their place,humans try to justify what and why to kill them.
We kill to eat, animals kill to eat, man has pets, and animals have instincts.
Dogs are wonderful, there is a strong bond between us,I think one of the reasons is we take them as they are and we can train them because they what to please us...I have interjected my thoughts because I love 98% of all animals and 87% of all humans ....some would say I am full of boloney,I am.
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Find an airgunner near you, air or not it wont hurt. Read this forum sub section for all your options:
3,000psi scuba might be fine depending on what your shooting. My Airforce Escape UL only likes a 2,700psi fill, in .25 clean kills on yotes keeping range in mind (and if they are coming in you will easily be in range).
A 3,400psi "if it heavy it's a Faber" (kidding, "if it's steel it's a Faber") 110cf Steel tank the scuba shop would fill is a lot of air.
IF you can fill yourself the "CE" certified scba tanks save you 50% or better but cant be filled most places and used (DOT cert.) can be fine as well.

Do read around the air/pump/compressor section.
