Pulsar Front Attach NV Clipons

Has anyone gotten or tried the new Pulsar NV and/or thermal front attach clip-ons? The Krypton 2 and the Forward F55S look very interesting. I have a Pard NV007S that I move around to different scopes as well as an ATN Gen5 3-14 which I can't get to focus clearly at any distance. I like the ability to use my scopes and the front attachment is appealing. I have no idea how they perform but with the ATN being a possible RMA, I wanted to look at something to go along with the Pard. I traded in my ATN 4K with an ABL which I did like, but using my normal scopes, I'm use to ranging so not having that is not a deal killer. Anyone?

@Pfddi I have zero experience with these Pulsar units. Some folks seem to like them. Here’s a thread where night vision and thermal clip-ons are discussed. The Pulsar Krypton is also mentioned.