Purchased a new Condor .22. Any lessons learned?


Mar 13, 2017
It was 2 in the morning, couldn't sleep and figured the best solution was to buy a new rifle. I have always wanted a Condor so what the hell. Should be here by end of week. Curious if any of ya'll have experience with this rifle and are willing to share any lessons learned. Are there any good items to add or any oem parts that should be changed out? What was your experience with this rifle? Any tips would be appreciated!


I have the CondorSS in .25, my favorite mods are the Maddog stock and Donny Emperor. They are cool guns, I’m sure others will recommend some good performance mods. 


Thanks for the input. I have a chrony, and a Ronin...I absolutely plan on purchasing a new stock at some point. I had contemplated getting it in .25 but I really don't have a need for that at the moment. This will be used solely for hunting/woods walking anything outside of that I already have a rifle for. Really, I just needed a new project to trick out that isn't quite like anything I currently have. 

Congats on your new Condor. What are your plans for the Condor? Knowing what you intend to do with it would help in making the correct recommendations to you. 

My Condor is used to take pest coyotes and deer out to 80 yards or more. I've been very successful. But I've made lots of modifications, such as upgrading to .25 caliber and shooting high ballistic coefficient slugs to 100 foot pounds of energy. But if your intentions are plinking, target practice, or small to medium size game and pests, you don't really need to make any modifications to the Condor.

To explore your options, go here: https://talontunes.com/ and join the T.A.G. Forum. There are other Condor forums too, but this one will get you started. 

Without knowing what are your plans for the Condor, the only recommendation that I will make is to find a good moderator. I use TalonTunes' generation 6 and the only sound I hear is the hammer striking the valve. The bullet impact on the coyote makes far more noise than the hammer.

Let me know if there's anything I can help you with. Just PM me. My time is yours.


It is actually better in 25 caliber to make use of its powerplant. If you got a 22 then you will definitely need to use extra heavy pellets perhaps even heavier than the 18gr JSB Heavies to keep it under the sound barrier and for better accuracy. My guess is if you got a smaller caliber than the 25 then you wouldn't have the need to tune it for more power THATS FOR SURE 😉

IIRC the Barracuda Match and Eun Jin domed were the best for long distance in mine. The normal weight 22 pellets shot with a LOUD BANG and CRACK like a rimfire even with its SS shroud. The Mad Dog stock is a good choice as well.

I too couldn't resist the last of the Cyber Monday deals myself... I don't blame you for wanting to save money on the last day!


I replaced my 22 Condor SS with a 25 Condor SS because it was way too much power for a 22 IMHO. Lesson learned...

I also bought a 22 Talon SS and though it seemed a bit anemic in 22, however I had an easier time hitting things

I aimed at with the Talon SS and it was fun to try the TalonP and Condor bottles on the Talon SS as well.


Good news is that if you want to go 25 then you only need to get the barrel and check if your current SS internals

are suitable for the larger caliber.

I haven't tried a Talon bottle on a Condor yet which come to think of it, I should have at least tried but that may lower the power for the better FYI.

I have a condor ss 25 and I have the 22 barrel but I have not much experienced with the 22 barrel. I just broke my talontunes tophat but I'm hoping they send me another.....its a nice gun but you have to figure out
what works best in it . Also I suggest you buy a nice trigger shoe and buy that bar that I have on mine to tighten the tank up to the gun.
Thanks for the advice rwsmike. will definitely look into that bar. Absolutely Imold. I will get those pics up as soon as I get it. You know what? I actually looked at the bulldog that night as well lol. I have already purchased quite a few items for it already and I went ahead and used a few vacation days for it's anticipated arrival 😁 
Congrats on the Condor. I have a Talon SS I’ve left stock except for adding a laser. 🤭 and a bubble level. If you want to shoot precisely past 50 yards or so I highly suggest a bubble level addition and use a chrony to get it tuned as suggested above. Since the scope over bore is almost 3” your mechanical offset for close shots is greater than other guns and any cant will make for some missed if you are dialing your dope. I went through a lot of headache guessing until I got a chronograph and found the magic power setting and top hat position for the specific pellet. I also wrapped 550 cord and webbing around the frame in front of the scope and hooked up a two point sling.

Good of luck and congrats
I have a Condor that is my go to smack down gun-have .22,.25.with shroud that makes it super quiet + an adaptor kit for shooting arrows(heavier spring, tube that shafts fit over, but no moderator for it, so loud)- this gun is fugly but amazing power & good accuracy. Tuning it stock is basically a balance between tophat adjustment(valve duration) & hammer spring adjustment (higher power= adjusting tophat out + more hammer spring) and opposite for slower speed + higher shot count- you can hit 1200fps easily with .22, but do not need to- best speed I found was 960-980 on Jsb 18gr. but mileage will vary. With power available will also handle slugs easily-just need to find the right combo for accuracy. **the arrow kit was getting me Robin Hood accuracy @ 50 yds(1" group ) with 16" shafts & 150 gr. field tips @ 550 fps-just had to raise zero a great deal- got tired of replacing fletching due to over penetration.
You must get an adjustable tophat. A chrony. That tophat will make the gun so much better. More consistent and more shots. Dont fill above 2900 psi or you will notice a small amount of valve lock.

I then installed a talon tunes power spring and hammer. (Thanks to dave cole help) very nice and smooth with more power if needed for slugs.