I really enjoy having a rifle built for the purpose it's intended for. To me that means accuracy, power, and shot count match it's intended use. Since for me that's different for a lot of applications I keep them based on budget guns that I build out with custom parts so they do what I need, when I need it, without spending thousands of dollars. I can have multiple guns for the cost of one and not sacrifice anything. I have 5 shots per fill, light, accurate guns that put out 100fpe in .30 or a hunting gun doing 3 shots at 300fpe in .357 and plinkers doing a full tin of pellets on a fill at 10fpe plus many in between. My latest build is a .35 bighorn in a puncher breaker stock. TJ barrel at only 22" can do a full 7 shot magazine plus a few follow up shots with FX Hybrids at near 150fpe and with the tube and only filling to 3000psi it's only 8lb plus optics and a buddy bottle in the backpack keeps me shooting big critters all day. I don't like re-tuning a gun everytime my needs change so I keep an assortment of purpose built guns on hand. Anyone else feel this way or am I just crazy about the building process which is YES...
The picture still has the factory barrel installed but the TJ is on there now.

The picture still has the factory barrel installed but the TJ is on there now.