pyramid air banned me from there website WTF

Does it happen when you log in via mobile, pc, or both? Cloudflare can do that if you visit a commercial site too often from the same device for security. Bots scrape info off marketplace sites like prices, inventory, etc. Try logging out, empty your cache and log back in. Also maybe try another web browser. 
Does it happen when you log in via mobile, pc, or both? Cloudflare can do that if you visit a commercial site too often from the same device for security. Bots scrape info off marketplace sites like prices, inventory, etc. Try logging out, empty your cache and log back in. Also maybe try another web browser.


The web site is rate limiting your connections to ... depending upon the actual circumstances it could have absolutely nothing to do with you specifically. It could be someone piggy backing on a WIFI router you are using for example. The site is saying you are connecting too frequently. Probably hitting refresh to often? Who knows. Maybe ask THEM???
Well as a VPN user i am becoming somewhat of a CAPTCHA expert, it is funny though i can browse for hours and suddenly google cough a CAPTCHA up, and then when i do it they just cough up a new one, and this can go on for minutes, it is pretty much working like a lock / ban from google ( it is not websites that cough it up it is when i enter to do a search ) I know 😞,,,,, i am also in the process of getting off the google tit,,,,, but like so many others i am addicted so its not as easy to me as stopping smoking was. Stop smoking was day 2 day for me even after 30 years.

My solution is to just change to another region VPN server, and then some minutes later change back to where i was just before, and then everything will be in order again,,,,, or for a while.

Google do not like it when i an not their little obedient ( name for female dog ) 😁

Please remember we are not all equally proficient in English, when i learned it was before i got in in school ( Danish school ) and writing it is only come about with the advent of the internet as of course there are extremely little in the Danish speaking side of the internet which are interesting to me.

For many English is a second language, some even more than that, for instance we could "sehen wir mal wie gut eure Deutsche sprache sind" Though thats a language i write even worse, and grammar are probably bad too.

Autodidact all the way baby 💪

School to me was a trauma that still haunt me today, though it is soon 40 years ago since i left it.

mike i did not bad mouth pyramid air i asked wtf has anyone else had this problem because i have never run into this situation and yes i drive a gasoline vehicle i hunt ducks deer and squirrels also i fish quite often i am 57 years old RETIRED and dont give a &**(# about grammer

Nailed it! Two thumbs up!

That would be "their"...NOT "there"..!

That would be "Pyramyd" Air, NOT "pyramid air".

If you are going to badmouth people, at least use somewhat proper English..!


Please go back to the teachers union website, or the Facebook playground from where you came to play your reindeer games...the adults here are not interested as we are here to talk airguns.

I was freaked out when it happened i clear browser history and cache weekly i think it was on there end i only have 1000 22 cal pellets and last night when it said i could order and then that popped up pissed me off i went nuts and then about midday today i got on with no problems and the 22 were out of stock i am gonna keep checking they will be in stock sooner or later