Pyramid dropped the ball...

The Holiday Special that just started today?
I would not be surprised i they were pre packaging big sellers so when the labels were printed "slap slap gone " BTW when the computer prints the label it auto- sends the shipped notice . or so i was told .
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I am only responding to others. Maybe if you followed your own admonishment it would help? :love:
Once the scalping knife has been drawn it must draw blood. That's a tradition a chieftain cannot break.

We need to call PA and see if someone can log in to AGN and be sacrificed on this thread. Maybe some college kid who answers the phone part time.

CTB can berate him, scalp him and stake him out in the sun on an ant bed. Then the Comanche war party can go back to their ancestral homeland and wait for their pellets.
Once the scalping knife has been drawn it must draw blood. That's a tradition a chieftain cannot break.

We need to call PA and see if someone can log in to AGN and be sacrificed on this thread. Maybe some college kid who answers the phone part time.

CTB can berate him, scalp him and stake him out in the sun on an ant bed. Then the Comanche war party can go back to their ancestral homeland and wait for their pellets.
Wrong Tribe. :ROFLMAO:
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Yikes! If you guys get this worked up over a new toy, I can’t imagine what happens when you order something essential and it doesn’t blaze a path to your house. Yes it’s a bummer and we all have been there but when stuff like this happens and I start to grit my teeth, I try to put things back in perspective. Toy.
Geesh…was probably less than 24 hrs when you posted. Lmao. A different company took almost a week to leak test, fire 10 shots, box up and get a gun to UPS. Guess I should disparage them ?? At least you did it in the general discussion area where a discussion can actually be had rather that the really stupid industry feedback section of AGN.
Ordered a SIM card Thursday evening ( last week )
Got confirmation Friday, saying shipping ( in this small country ) 2-5 days.

Still have not seen the SIM card.
And TBH i really really expected to see the card Tuesday before i left for the range, but even today Nothing.

DHL express from China are faster, and that involve absolute incompetence in the form / shape of Danish tax authorities even if outsourced to shipping companies, hence the tall handling fee they are allowed to collect for each parcel.

Things would change if i was the dictator here.
Ordered a lock pick set that started in OH. Some how it is in Oregon now and totally skipped over MO on the way there. I have little to no faith in the Post Office anymore and found out that they hired a third party warehouse in St Louis and that packages end up there, fall off the tracking radar for weeks, then after you file a claim to find it, they magically show up. Out sourcing at its best all while raising the cost of shipping.