Pyramid dropped the ball...

Stubbers get sober and look in the mirror. Be Well Brothers, Bandito.

I don't drink or smoke, quite the strange accusation. Be well yourself.


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Endeavor to persevere Chief.

Print out the sales invoice and put it under your pillow tonight. Maybe the pellet fairy will leave you a tin of pellets to keep you busy until your order arrives.

You're far too creative, you must be higher than a kite. Sober up and look in the mirror! (/s)

You're far too creative, you must be higher than a kite. Sober up and look in the mirror! (/s)


My creativity is a result of pure talent and intellect.

My stunning good looks and godlike physique are a result of superior genetics.

My inebriation has nothing to do with any of it. It is simply the lane I choose to drive in.
I have searched high and low to find the meaning of life.
That have been known for a long time.

"It's nothing very special, really. Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations".
That have been known for a long time.

"It's nothing very special, really. Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations".
Ijdk.. kinda sounds opinionated.😏

Didn't Jim Jones tell that to his followers while passing around the koolaid?
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All this fuss, over a package not being delivered in 2 days!
A seroius airgunner would have at least a "90 day supply" of ammo on hand.
This would prevent the entitlement, agony and horrible withdraw symptoms, that "Chief 10 beers' is going through.
Pyramyd Air, USPS, UPS, and Fed Ex., has always provided me with top-notch service, and this does NOT change my opinion towards them.
In fact, it reminds me just how spoiled a small percentage of consumers have become, with their expectation of unrealistic shipping timeframes.
Pretty bad when my postal worker says don't pay for faster shipping since it is a waste of money. She says it will get there when it gets there.
I send packages overnight when it does not get there the next day IT IS FREE and i get my money back . BUT ! sometimes it does so nothing close like one or two states away .