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Pyramyd Air Pellet Shipping

Wanted to give credit where credit is due. Just received a shipment of pellets from Pyramyd air that were pack in foam. Well done!

I don't recall seeing them do this before.

Pyramyd Air2.jpg

Pyramyd Air.jpg
I generally pick up my orders at PA. Even though they aren’t being shipped passed their pick up counter, they are packaged like in the OP’s photo. Good job PA.
Order in the AM and P/U later ? YIKES !!I would defiantly have to many everything .
Yes they do their do diligence and damaged pellets really aren’t on them. The delicate pellet skirts are highly vulnerable right out of the gate just due to they way they are packaged. Thrown in a tin all against each other. Is what it is. I just got to the bottom third of a tin of FX atomix pellets protected against WW3 from PA and not one of them skirts is str8. However, they shoot pretty well. 🤷‍♂️ What is one to do? Have to deal with it.