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Question About Tagging Members in a Post

I have noticed that if I make a statement, reply to a post, or post a question based upon information that another member already provided, I cannot reference or credit said member. Saying something like, “Sure you can say what you want, but there are rules that we all agreed to when we joined AGN. Be ready to accept the consequences. After all, this is @Michael’s site…” What I’ve noticed here in acknowledging that this site belongs to @Michael, is if I place an apostrophe between his handle and the possessive “s” it no longer tags him. It’s as if the system reads it as me changing his handle.

In my example, “… @Michael’s site” fails to alert Michael. To work around this I’ve learned to place a space between the end of the member’s handle and the apostrophe so that “… @Michael ‘s site”now alerts or tags Michael (if I place a space between the “@“ and the elipses). Notice how his handle is now in bold type and acts as a hyperlink taking you to his profile. Although I’ve been using a workaround for a few years, is there a way to remedy this issue?
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AFAIK, no. Your work around is as close as possible to a solution. It has to do with how the database calls out the member name. As each member name is unique, the database would have to assign multiple name values to each member to allow for the grammatic possessive form of the name.
@Moderator3 Ok. Thanks for checking into it.
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