Question for Dreamline compact .25 owners.

Hello Fellow airgunners,
I have .25 cal. dreamline lite 600 mm, that I have swapped to a 395 mm barrel. On searching here and on the web it looks like the standard settings are a reg. pressure of @ 140 and
a fps of @ 760 - 780 ish. I was wondering if any dreamline compact owners had anything to add or suggest before I start tuning. Not looking for max power, I have the 600mm barrel for that. Looking best accuracy and efficiency.
Thanks for any help.
Hello Fellow airgunners,
I have .25 cal. dreamline lite 600 mm, that I have swapped to a 395 mm barrel. On searching here and on the web it looks like the standard settings are a reg. pressure of @ 140 and
a fps of @ 760 - 780 ish. I was wondering if any dreamline compact owners had anything to add or suggest before I start tuning. Not looking for max power, I have the 600mm barrel for that. Looking best accuracy and efficiency.
Thanks for any help.

The 380mm barre/liner can go up to 820fps with the 25 grain pellet very accurately. Granted it's a little bit easier to tune for 780-800fps with the 25 grain pellets. The 34 grain pellets can get up to 750-760 fps(if I remember correctly) fairly comfortably and very accurate even out to 100 yards.

Reg pressure should be between 140-145 bars and tune using the hammer, don't forget the preload adjustment. For best accuracy and efficiency I would turn the reg up to 145 and aim for about 720-760fps(or slower if you don't shoot pass 50-60 yards) regardless of pellet weight.