First off, I want to say that I really appreciate you guys trying to help a FT newbie out. The advice given is all great and I even learned a little more than I was expecting. The FT forum is the best place on AGN, there are so many here with knowledge and willing to help. I actually tried my rifle at 20 foot pounds the other day and I was rather disappointed with the results. I was getting several fliers and the groups were just not where they needed to be. It did well as 880 FPS, when I tried 930 it started getting ugly. I was wanting confirmation that what I was trying to do should work and after the comments from you folks I knew it should and something had to be off with the gun. My speed was pretty consistent, so I knew it wasn’t that. I had just bought this Taipan used here on the forum but it was only a few months old. I decided I would start by cleaning the barrel, I probably should have done this when I first received the rifle but wanted to shoot it like it came to me. I don’t like changing several things at once, problems and improvements are harder to chase down by doing that. I was extremely surprised when I cleaned it. It was borderline awful, I haven’t cleaned one this bad before. I used Ballistol and ended up letting it soak in for some time after seeing the first few patches come through almost completely black. I used at least 40 patches before they came out clean. I figured this would help my issues out and I am happy to say that it definitely did. I shot this afternoon and the groups looked really good to me. Below is my Taipan and a picture of a 20 shot group at approximately 40 yards. For those wondering my highest speed over the 20 shot string was 929 and the lowest speed was 922. I think 7 FPS difference over 20 shots is more than respectable and I’m very happy with the results. Also, that’s a 10.34 grain JSB below the group for size reference.
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