Question for the backyard plinkers

I masking tape white paper with dime-size circles drawn using electrical tape roll center and magic marker to cardboard. Using two long screws at top of backstop, I paper punch slots in cardboard to fit over flat screw tops. I recycle white sections of junk mail to repair target until underlying cardboard gets too shot up. WM
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While I do have a block wall. I shoot into 5 gallon buckets filles with rubber mulch. I also toss an old shirt or something on top of the mulch to keep it from falling out it I end up with larger holes in the lid. I shoot into the lid side. If the lid get to tore up I just change the lid. I made a wooden rack that holds 4 of them. I use adhesive targets most of the time stuck to the lids.
I use a bullet trap I bought on eBay.

Hello everyone. I hope you all are having a good day. I’m mostly a backyard plinker. In my city, there’s a city code that requires everyone living in the city limits must have a rock/cement wall in their backyard. My yard measures 25 yards wide. I was curious what you all are using for a backstop (if you use one). I need some ideas. Thanks in advance.
The code say rock or cement (this is ricochet city ) you will need a45 degree angle to guide misses to the ground , Horse mat works well . what is your definition of plinking ? Plinking to some is cans or bottles . look up Container traps (a container full of old clothes or rubber mulch.
Every morning, Lowes and Home Depot have a free scrap lumber barrel. They usually have some 3" x 3" x 5' straight boards (not pallet boards). Get some waterpoof carpenter glue and glue as many together as you want. It is hard to miss a 5' x 5' backstop. I got this idea during Covid when lumber was so pricy. Assemble in place because it will get heavy.
I just use the back of the neighbor's garage. 🧐

Just kidding, I retired from an automotive parts stamping plant and gathered several 1' x 3' x 2mm high strength steel structural blanks used for frame rails on the vehicles. I paint them with a primer and stick yard sale sticker on them. I do both sides. When they are shot up I just repaint and resticker. They wouldn't survive a 22lr but the withstand pellet strikes really good. I often shoot .25 at 40 fpe at them at 25yds. with little to no damage to them.
They ain't for everyone because they ring like a church bell when hit and your neighbors might object. But here in the back woods of lower Alabama it just plain rewarding.

FYI... don't shoot bbs at them.
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Use two or three large nested cardboard boxes (often free at "big box stores"), and line the inside back with another 8 or more corrugated cardboard sheets. Even my low-powered BB rifle can send a round that penetrates 4 or 5 layers from 33 ft. The pellets from the pumpers can easily exceed that, but not many make it past 6 sheets with my guns at their chosen power levels. You could hang a mat or scrap carpet in back of the cardboard box, which should suffice for any pellets that make it past 10 sheets. Because after a lot of shots, there will be large holes that align across the sheets, replace holey sheets frequently.

All that cardboard also dampens the impact sound. The expulsion/shot noise is a different worry.
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