I just bought a CS 4 and wondered what is the largest carbon fiber tank it will fill.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I’ve ran it past 5 hours straight. Head temp never got past high 90 s . I then installedOk just trying to be cautious. GX replied 74 cubic feet was not recommended.
Did you run continuously or stop to cool down? How long did it take to fill?
@blackdog899 said in his post that he filled his 9L tank with his CS4 in one shot - that's a bigger tank than yours, and using the silly "cubic feet" metric it is about 86 CF or so . . . .Ok thank you for the clarification. So looking at available cf tank options, they are listed as 74 cubic feet. Utah Airguns has one listed as 6.8L and the description says 74 cubic feet. I’m assuming 74 cubic feet at 4500 psi is good to go for the CS4?
I wanted a tank to take to the range. It’s easier to top off from a tank versus hooking up the compressor to my car battery.Do you need a tank? I have a really nice CF tank but now just fill the rifles directly from the pump. Sure is simple and I don’t have to worry about blowing up a pump.
I first bought the battery powered GX to take a the road as the tank is big and heavy. The E-L2 battery compressor is small. I liked it so much I bought a GX CS4i for my main fill compressor at the house. I haven’t touched my tank since. I figure if I use the compressors to fill the rifles direct they should last forever. It only takes 2 to 2.5 minutes to fill my rifles. They don’t even get warm.I wanted a tank to take to the range. It’s easier to top off from a tank versus hooking up the compressor to my car battery.