Questions On the AEA HP SS & the HP SS + Plus

I was considering buying one of the AEA HP SS pistols with the AR stocks to use as a short range pester. The one thing about the AEA airguns particularly with the semi-autos is their tight air pressure ranges required to function properly. It seems that even though the air cylinders can be filled to higher pressures they will not function in semi-auto if filled above 23 mpa or 3335 psi. Also the shot to shot fps seems to not have a very good shot curve with a constant fps drop from shot to shot. While for short range shooting and plinking that may not matter as much, I still like the consistency of fps and improved function of the semi-auto that a regulator might offer. Now I see that Huma Air offers a regulator for the AEA HP SS. Now my question, does anyone have this regulator installed in their AEA HP SS and how does their pistol/carbine perform as to the semi-auto function and shot count and consistency. I have sent a question to Huma Air as to whether their regulator will work for the AEA HP SS + Plus too. ( I don't know if the air cylinder diameter is larger or not etc.) In Huma's fitting instruction it also mentions that the hammer may be removed as the extra weight would not be require to open the valve because of less pressure on the valve. (less wasted air) Thanks Bill
I have the HP SS Plus in .22. I get a max of 4 magazines of shots shooting the 18.1 JSB pellets. I fill to 3400 psi and usually stop after 2 magazines as the fps hasn't started to drop off yet. The fps is usually between 910 to 929 fps. I found a bottle adapter at Fox Air Power and now have an FX 480cc bottle installed. With the increase in volume I now get 3 magazines in the sweet spot for this airgun. I can shoot 5 magazines and it will still cycle but the fps has dropped down to 890's. The furthest I tested was 35 yards and had no trouble hitting the animal swinging target from Target Forge.
I have the HP SS Plus in .22. I get a max of 4 magazines of shots shooting the 18.1 JSB pellets. I fill to 3400 psi and usually stop after 2 magazines as the fps hasn't started to drop off yet. The fps is usually between 910 to 929 fps. I found a bottle adapter at Fox Air Power and now have an FX 480cc bottle installed. With the increase in volume I now get 3 magazines in the sweet spot for this airgun. I can shoot 5 magazines and it will still cycle but the fps has dropped down to 890's. The furthest I tested was 35 yards and had no trouble hitting the animal swinging target from Target Forge.

The adapter you mentioned is an interesting item. I went to the Fox Air Power website and could not find it listed. Can you provide a picture of your rifle with the adapter. Bill
The Vortex pellets are not very accurate. They are not very high quality if you look at them. I tried some from my FX Crown. They are a random grouping at best. Maybe shot one and 4 will hit close together. Not the only one that has experiences with this. Try using Fx or JSB pellets. Not saying all guns won't shoot Vortex. Heard someone ask dealer to order him some. He came back after trying them. Asked dealer not to sell him any more of them. My experience as well. Unfortunately I bought like 800 of them. They will work for shooting larger steel targets. Shooting groups or hunting won't work for me.
Well....quite honestly it DIDN'T go. Took everything apart and measured/mic'd/caliper'd everything and sent it to Huma because they said they'd make one and send it to me for testing. Then they realized it installed right into the block or trigger housing etc. So they said they couldn't make one after all. I wasn't very happy.
I tried this external regulator from "Fox Air Power" on my .22cal HP SS Plus.

It adds 80cc of volume but so far, won't cycle the simi-auto action. I adjusted it to 150 bar because that's about where my gun stops cycling 18.1gr pellets. Increased the pressure up to 170 bar. No go. Asked Ben @ "The Pellet Shop" about this. Ben's a nice guy. Always helpful. He was told by AEA that this kit won't reliably cycle my gun's action. Great! I got it because BinTac's videos indicated that it would work. Fox Air Power's listing only states what it is. There's nothing in the description about its compatibility with any particular AEA model.
Fox Air Power won't help because 1) They think I didn't do any homework before purchasing (even though I told them about BinTac's videos prior to the purchase). 2) I didn't ask them about it. 3) I installed it, therfore it's "unsellable".
Not happy.
I will try to explain something that might help you guys that believe you must have a reg. On some guns you can make a reg work if it didn’t come with one but it always takes more work than just slapping in a reg if you want true regulated performance. Other guns it just won’t work. Our AEA cannons are unregulated for a reason. They are big power short cannons. We require lots of plenum space. Unregulated, our whole air tube is our plenum. You stick a reg in or on the gun, you have no plenum volume. A semi won’t function and a bolt action won’t have good power. If you want a regulated AEA, buy a smaller caliber longer gun with a reg if AEA if makes one. If you make a plenum with enough volume for a AEA to function as it should, your air tube will stick out way beyond your shroud so you won’t be screwing on a can to keep the gun quiet unless you build a longer shroud. As you can see, you are now getting away from the thing that attracted you to the gun in the first place. You now have a giant gun. Just tune the unregulated gun the best you can and dial in your fill and refill pressures as some of you eluded to. Or, don’t buy one. Spend more money on a quality regulated short gun capable of making the power you want.
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I put a Huma bottle reg on my .25 HP Carbine and it works just fine (set at 165 bar). Now I get consistent shots from 250 bar (which I can now fill it to) down the reg pressure. With the 580 bottle I added I’m getting about 9 magazines of good shots. I only lost about 20 fps compared to when it wasn’t reg’ed (TP is wide open).

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I was able to get my .22 HP SS Plus working in simi-auto with the Fox Air Power regulator/plenum set to 150 bar. Polished the bolt, hammer & its guide rod. Shortened the hammer spring & balanced it out by shortening the valve spring. Adjusted the bolt/piston return spring. Getting about six mags of JSB 18.1 @ 850 fps between 250-150 bar. Accuracy is pretty good. Fairly quiet with a 4-section Huma 30 Mod.
I'm finally happy with this gun.
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The Vortex pellets are not very accurate. They are not very high quality if you look at them. I tried some from my FX Crown. They are a random grouping at best. Maybe shot one and 4 will hit close together. Not the only one that has experiences with this. Try using Fx or JSB pellets. Not saying all guns won't shoot Vortex. Heard someone ask dealer to order him some. He came back after trying them. Asked dealer not to sell him any more of them. My experience as well. Unfortunately I bought like 800 of them. They will work for shooting larger steel targets. Shooting groups or hunting won't work for me.
The Vortex are great and accurate in my SS Plus 30 cal. These are all based out of the JSB. FX Hybrid slugs work well
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The Vortex are great and accurate in my SS Plus 30 cal. These are all based out of the JSB. FX Hybrid slugs work well
Same exact airgun, I agree. I didn't want to. I thought shooting slugs would be "cooler". But reality sunk in and I'm exclusively using the 48.6 gr vortex pellets. The gun was a reliability nightmare at first(probably because I was stubborn about using the NSA slugs.), but after taking it apart a few times, I learned how to make it cycle the slugs just fine, but the accuracy was never good enough. I ended up tuning it back to cycle the vortex pellets after i accepted the slugs were just going to hit all over the place, no matter what. I was also disappointed that the hollow point slugs didn't expand. I'm open to trying other slugs in the future if anyone has any recommendations though. I'll try the FX hybrid. But the vortex pellets have been the most consistent ammo for my .30 HP SS plus