This thing is a beast as you can tell by the muzzle flip throwing the camera way up. In slow motion, it looks like whatever I shoot is getting pounded by a hellfire missile.
"strikefast"Scott, I assume since you were using a scope camera you did not have much of a grip on the gun. Dies it effect you bad when actually shooting on your shoulder?
I am curious as I told Jimmy that my next rifle is going to be either a FX Boss or Daystate. I have both brands in .177 and .22 and absolutely love both manufactures.
Scott, I see you couldn't resist going back to the .30. You definitely bought one heck of a nice rifle with the Wolverine. Do you like it better than the .30 Bobcat that you had?
Paul, I own a FX Boss & it does have recoil. Not like I see with Scott's Wolverine. It must be the way he is holding it for the camera. The Hi-Lite is about the same weight as the Boss. I looked at both the Boss & Hi-lite when I was looking to buy. The Daystate is an awesome rifle. I held one at Precision Airguns. But ultimate decision was based on price. I bought my Boss & Hawke SW 6-24 & was still $400 cheaper than the Wolverine. If you would like to shoot my Boss, just let me know & I will bring it up to Will's house next weekend. You are more than welcome to shoot it all you want. I've got air & pellets. This way you can see what you think of it. It is a tack driver. I shot a sub MOA 5 shot group @ 100 yards on Labor day.
"CampFussell"Yes Chris, please bring that bad boy to Will's next week. We would love to check it out ;-) And I saw your awesome group that you posted!
See you then!
Jimmy, since you have asked, then I shall bring the Boss to the FT match next weekend. Now if I could use that instead of the Steyr, I think that I could run the course. Who needs to hit kill zones. All I would have top do is hit the faceplate... LOL!!!
I sold the Wildcat a while back to use the funds towards a long distance shooter for the extreme benchrest. I just picked up the Wolverine this week off the classifieds here on AGN."NCairgunner"Scott when did you pick up the .30 Wolverine? I've been reading your posts on your Wildcat. Did you get rid of the Wildcat for the Wolverine?