Thanks for the info. Here is a pic of the rifle and some targets from when I was sighting it in. Here is a link to my post in the hunting section with my kill pics (I've gotten five of them so far).
P.S. Some of these shots are from my wife, who is very good. I was happily surprised!
If you've never head shot squirrels with an air rifle you might think theyre suffering a bit but a clean headshot its lights out immediately. Any flopping about and kicking etc is just nerves dying off take 5-20 seconds on average. Just check it with the scope once it stops moving that its not longer breathing. Occasionally you'll get "a breather" that's unconscious and needs a follow up shot
In urban environments they can seem never ending. I took out 20 this winter before going overseas for a bit and started back on the last week and got another 17 as of this afternoon. And they still coming
Thanks for the info, Eden. That makes me feel a bit better. I hate seeing them suffer, so I’m trying my absolute best to prevent that. Hollow points, here I come.
If you watch any of these videos from the UK you'll see they shooting squirrels with UK limit power guns (hw50s is around 11.5ft/lbs so uk legal limit) and you'll see the shots they make and how the squirrels react. The nerve dance is totally normal
I have pecan trees and for me it's always been head shots for squirrels and there're times when they will flip flop around for a moments but as was said before, these are just nerves.
I believe an HW30 in .22 is adequate for small game at 10 yards. My stock HW30 delivered between 6.5 and 7.5 footpounds with most pellets. At 40 feet most pellets still had over 6 footpounds.
But I would probably use a pointed pellet like the Crosman Penetrator or H&N Hornet. Just to get through the hide in case you miss the eyes.
I test fired a Crosman Penetrator at a pine 4x4 post at 20 yards. It was entirely buried. It would probably go entirely through a squirrel.
I can't speak for the .177 version.
The Airgons of Arizona HW30 Urban Pro comes with a 4 power Weihrauch scope. It's a nice little scope. Not fancy, but it does the job.
My word of advice would be keep your $500 add another few hundred with it later on if you can get a air arms Pro Sport or TX200 if I got the Pro Sport I would get it in 22 caliber TX200 177 caliber good scope is a must and you will be good to go for a lifetime of enjoyment