Quietest Targets?

I did a bunch of testing with a sound meter at varying distances to my pellet trap. The trap is filled with rubber mulch. I tried a cardboard box filled with rags instead and it was not quieter. I tried getting rid of the cardboard and that did not help either. Just the pellet hitting the paper was about 85 db. If you shoot a block of foam it is quiet but if you put a paper target on it you go right back up to mid 80s. I then tried putting sound deadening material around the target. I found I could make the target about 6 db quieter by putting a frame around the trap and then fastening towels to the frame to enclose all but the face of the trap. I had the towels out a foot or more in front of the trap. I don't keep doing it because my neighbors are not complaining and it's easier to just shoot into the pellet trap without the enclosure. There are undoubtedly things other than towels you could use. I tried ceiling tiles and they did not work well. But I did not try the kind of foam they sell to deaden walls. It should help.
i bring out a boom-box and play music to cover up my shooting noise. i'm on a tiny 1/8th suburban lot.
which the neighbors all say sounds as if i'm using a nail-gun and not bothersome anyway.

just don't play it loud enough to be an issue itself. :)

for ease of construction, availability of materials, and low cost, i've not found a better solution than a cardboard box filled with rubber mulch.

i bring out a boom-box and play music to cover up my shooting noise. i'm on a tiny 1/8th suburban lot.
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which the neighbors all say sounds as if i'm using a nail-gun and not bothersome anyway.

just don't play it loud enough to be an issue itself. :)

for ease of construction, availability of materials, and low cost, i've not found a better solution than a cardboard box filled with rubber mulch.

I have a similar size lot in a suburban setting and use a 16 x16 STS pellet trap. Takes exactly 1 full bag of rubber mulch. Instead of music I like turning the TV to football or any sport, even golf to cover up the noise. I'm with ya, my neighbors know I'm a sports freak.
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I love to shoot reactive steel when possible but when I need to be quiet or especially when shooting in my garage and don’t want lead splatter here is what I do. I take used pill bottles and stuff them full and tightly with old cloth. Then wrap a couple layers of duct tape around the bottle. When shooting my ten meter rifles the bottles react by flying back and flipping around. There is no lead splatter because the pellets go into the bottle and don’t come out. Not sure how they will hold up to more power but they work great for low power rifles.
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