OK, some groups with my .177 R9 and 7.9 grain CPLs shot hunter class field target style sitting on a "bucket" resting the gun on cross sticks using holdover aiming.
Two 10 shot groups at 11 yards...........
10 shots at 18 yards...........
Does a fly at 25 yards count?............
30 and 40 yards..........
50 yards..........

Next 5 shots on paper.........
15 out of 20 CPLs through a 3/4" killzone...........
Unusually tight 5 shot groups for me at 50 yards.......

This 50 yard group was only 4 shots..........
How about 165 consecutive CPLs from 10 yards to 50 yards.......
Recently shot at 50 and 53 yards........
Most not "stellar groups" but I'm pleased!