Most of my best groups are at my buddies house , he has very heavy Timber surrounding his shooting range so almost Zero wind . So it's real easy to shoot good groups
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Damaging the spring from pellets that are one grain heavier or lighter? Seriously mate, you'll have to shoot like a bazillion pellets before you start noticing any loss of power in your spring before that happens."Smaug"I was shooting the JSB Heavies from my TX200 when it was stock, (because it shot them tightest) and a few guys in my club recommended I go down to 8.4 max., before I damage the spring.
"hdrk1111"I have some 15 yard groups. Nothing like the groups you folks shoot. But I'm new and will figure it out. So can somebody explain how to post pictures. I took them with my I pad but cant figure out how to post them here.
Look at the last video in this link.
Ah well, if it makes you feel any better, your offhand group at 55 yards is tighter than mine at 35. Not too bad, you just have to keep it in mind if you're hunting. Bring sticks or find a tree or stalk closer!