I think the coyote population is booming because rabbits are getting really scarce so I think I'm going to buy an Icotec Predator call https://icotec.com/products/nomad-plus and start actively going after coyote...also the local ranchers aren't too happy with the coyotes, a lot of calves around right now.
Well managed to get a quail. When I use the 30 cal I try nailing them across the back while they bend down to feed or take a headshot so I don't trash the breast meat. Off a little bit but didn't mess up the breast meat too much.
Well managed to get a quail. When I use the 30 cal I try nailing them across the back while they bend down to feed or take a headshot so I don't trash the breast meat. Off a little bit but didn't mess up the breast meat too much.
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