While your solution of fumigating and shooting would seem quite satisfying. In your scenario I might consider something else. Raccoons are nocturnal. They’re coming out of your house every night to go eat and do their things that they do. Below is a picture of an absolutely 100% effective raccoon trap. I bought mine at Fleet Farm for about eight dollars. you put some peanut butter inside, Way down by the trigger. They can’t resist. They put their hand down inside the tube and then grab a hold of the trigger and they pull it. They can’t help themselves. Trappers used to use a similar example where they would drill holes in a 4x6 board and drive nails in at Angles and put shiny objects in the holes. The raccoon would refuse to let go of the shiny object. This is even more effective once they put their hand in there and trip the trigger it’s not coming back out. Then you just shoot them in the morning. And they don’t die inside your house. It’s a done deal, and a dead coon
That trap looks fantastic! I'm still going to fumigate the house, so I can make sure they all have left so I can get my repairs done. I just ordered the traps off of Amazon, and they will be here Sunday!!!
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