N/A random drop in FPS?

TalonP shot string.jpeg

has anyone seen anything like this? I was not able to replicate this, but it did happen. I know it wasn't the chronograph acting up because the gun itself was much quieter on that shot. maybe just the gun breaking in still? I only have about 300 shots through it at this time. maybe the hammer spring was still settling in? im at a loss on this one but curious to see what you guys think.
Maybe some crud blocking the hammer that cleared out?

looks like 810fps down to 610fps or so...
Assuming same power, that would be like going from a 25gr to 40gr slug/pellet... no way you would not notice a pellet that large!

Excessively small pellet? would've been louder...
Excessively large pellet & got a bit stuck? possible, would also explain the noise
The difference is roughly 36fpe vs 20fpe... what you adjust the power from min to max? does it match up?

You've got a large variance in the chrony readings before that shot, then its MUCH smoother after... why is it performing "better" after the blip...
I think you're right with it being "new" - maybe some assembly grease/oil going through the system somewhere.. lots of small holes & high pressures
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Maybe some crud blocking the hammer that cleared out?

looks like 810fps down to 610fps or so...
Assuming same power, that would be like going from a 25gr to 40gr slug/pellet... no way you would not notice a pellet that large!

Excessively small pellet? would've been louder...
Excessively large pellet & got a bit stuck? possible, would also explain the noise
The difference is roughly 36fpe vs 20fpe... what you adjust the power from min to max? does it match up?

You've got a large variance in the chrony readings before that shot, then its MUCH smoother after... why is it performing "better" after the blip...
I think you're right with it being "new" - maybe some assembly grease/oil going through the system somewhere.. lots of small holes & high pressures
yeah its a very strange occurrence, I don't remember the pellet fitting any tighter or looser (if that's a word) than any of the other pellets but it could be possible. I just shot the gun earlier today and I shot thru that same pressure range with absolutely no problems at all. shooting the same hades pellets, same power setting. the only thing different is the temp is 5 degrees colder than when the shot sting was recorded, but I highly highly doubt temp had anything to do with this.
What temperatures we talking?
How dry is your air?
If its snowy & that cold, maybe a droplet of moisture got in a reg or something....
the shot string was done at 39F and today it was 34F, no snow on the day of the shot string, snow today. gun is un regulated. in terms of humidity I did not check when I did the shot string.