Okay picked up my stuff today.
And i have some " issues" with the design, even if this bag easy take all that is in my much bigger DIY bag and it is only half the size.
So i first thought it was a production issue, but you can see the same in the Huma pictures.
And the issue is the shoulder straps are right where one of the detachable pockets are, meaning that if you put stuff in that pocket it will dig into your back.
I would have put the shoulder straps opposite of the carrying handle so the bags / pockets would sit either side, that just seem more logical to me.
The bag loaded with my 9L tank, and the 2 Tupperware like plastic containers that house tools / chrono and then ammo in the other one, these fit perfect into the pockets.
Here you can see the by carrying handle symmetrical placement of the pockets ( attach by velcro )
The shoulder carrying straps, as you can see right on top of the one of the two pouches.
The pouches detached.
One full of stuff the other one i only have the filling hose in, CUZ due to design i cant really put much more stuff in it.
The main " body" of the bag, again from shoulder carry straps side, as you can see right on top of the velcro for the pouches.
Where the shoulder straps should have been IMHO.
Directly opposite the carrying handle.
I think i will contact Huma, CUZ to me this just dont look / feel right.
What do you guys think ??
It is useable, but not 100 % if you ask me.