Range games?

We shoot springers for the most part out to 50 yards. Range has a mix of cans, spinners and reset targets.

The fast game is to pick a spinner (usually depending upon the wind conditions) and then see who can get the most consecutive hits before missing.

The slow game is to each start shooting a different can and see who can cut theirs in half the fastest.

Calling your hit before you shoot can also get you into a friendly betting game. See who can call the most hits before the dreaded miss.
Toy soldiers! We used them as kids. We had a couple of the type with the parachute too, but never managed to hit them while aireborne. Nowadays I put a piece of day-glo tape on the bottom of the base to make them easier to find once hit.


Dinosaurs and other small plastic animals serve well, too.

Shooting at tall weeds or branches or pine cones. first to knock it over wins. No semi autos or big bores for this, of course!
and this is at my personal range so I know what lies beyond the line of fire when shooting branches or pine cones.
Have also tried smearing something smelly on the target and shooting at flies or the big prize... yellow jackets... as they get on the paper to eat.
A fun event is to take 1/2" or (some larger size) carriage bolts and attach them to some sort of wood stand so they are vertical. Lube the bolt with light oil, take wing nuts and spin them all the way down. (not too tight) Shoot the ears to spin the nut up and off the bolt. You can do timed or per shot. Optional hijinks could be shooting someone else's target to slow them down. I did this at one of the CASA fun shoots and it was a hoot!
If you're looking for some shooting games to play with friends, I have a few recommendations that might interest you. Have you tried playing "Overwatch"? It's a team-based first-person shooter game that requires strategy and teamwork to win. Another game you might want to check out is "Rainbow Six Siege."
Thank you for reaching out! I have tried those video games before but I was actually wondering about games to play at the gun range. Like the hostage take over targets and what not.