The gun is an Air Arms S510 XTRA Ultimate(?) Sporter FAC (LW bbl I believe) in .177. The gun is on order - due to arrive next week. Back yard range max 50yds. FPS probably around 1000 if that's practical/possible from this gun. Just looking for a starting point re pellet choice (some worth trying vs some to avoid). From reading some of your later posts, it seems that you're really on top of everything .177!
"Hotbrass"terrymc, beautiful gun. Thank you for the pic.

terrymc, can I get you to post a pic of the rightside of your RAW with the magazine installed. I am trying to decide wheather to order right or left magazines when my RAW becomes available.
I am concerned about clearance between the cocking lever and the magazine, as I have large hands.

I can do that for you.
But I can tell you it is not an issue I have very large hands and can easily cock it without the mags interfering.

The right side magazines are especially nice when you have an oversized parallax wheel like the one on my Hawke.
that is a wonderful raw u have there!!.. yes I can imangine she is accurate.
​ive been telling some of the top shooters over in England who do popular reviews how accurate my little 177 is at 50 yards and they wont believe me.

my gun is doing 10 shots to a group at 50 yards.. all 10 shots are under a 5 pence piece.. wich is 18 mm
and no they don't believe me but my gun does it every time. all shots in the group are under 18 mm on every group
and this is out doors and no fancy rest.