Rapid MFR Makeover

 I just received my rifle back from RAW ( great people to deal with!!! ) From this: 24" .20cal, target stock and vertical QF & gauge 


To this: 21" .177cal, "V" QF & gauge and RAW walnut Rapid stock. CPH in the 870s

"Michael"What a beauty!

The air bottle looks longer than OEM?


I "assume" it is the standard 280cc MFR bottle and it looks longer because the RAW Mod slides farther down the barrel than the Theoben Mod making the bottle look longer??

ETA: The 280cc bottle had a standard bottle neck added along with the parts for the block so I could use larger bottles if I wanted. 
Very nice! Wonderful having an airgun worth upgrading that will out last you. And Martin & Sandra are great to deal with.
Looks like the 400cc bottle to me, is always hard to tell in pictures and they have SO many options. "Exactly what do you want" is a question "I've" never been asked by a manufacturer for sure. Took me a few weeks to decide "I want a .22 that is clip fed, regulated and light", period.
