Huben Rare cool Huben GK-1 MOD

Found this MOD researching the Huben GK1

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The title of the video is a bit misleading, it says Desert Huben GK1 but the main mechinism has K1 printed on it, which would require shortening the barrel and air tube! That would require some pretty indepth machining and tools I don't have access to or the skils and knowledge to operate. So I'm not so sure this would be a direct fit for the GK1, but it does look cool! I'd also be curious to see how the 3D printed trigger compares to the one from the GK1.
Bible -

Interesting, and looks well designed...but.
And yeah, while nicely done, it won't work using the current GK1 as the gun !

The GK1's fill socket is on the wrong end of the cylinder / printed frame ! The printed frame is also too short for the current gun. And possibly other changes required.
Do a redesign / refit, and lets see what happens. Keep the overall height from the top of the shroud (barrel) to the bottom of the cylinder, as short as possible to reduce the "blocky" look.
