Rat Hit List 2020

Another kill with my new Pulsar. 13.43 grain at 715 fp/s JSB Monster between the eyes. Hard to shoot, he was hiding under the garden shed. So I had to shoot when I could only see his head. This was yesterday evening in complete darkness. Next morning I tried to pull him out of his hide but his body was in a S shape and the rigor mortis made it hard to pull him out. So I had to modify my pick up tool with 2 screws ...like a snake bite.That's why I skinned him here and there.

Another 9.25 " or 23,5 cm fatty 





I’d like to open this thread to anyone and lets have a fun competition over the year, just bring a measuring tape with you and take a pic and submit here.

3. categories. (leader so far)

1 Longest rat of 2019 (L.Leon 15 inches)
2 Longest body of rat 2019 (Monkyshine 9.5 inches)
3 Fattest rat of 2019 (just lay the tape over and try and get the best pic you can and say measurement)

I got nothing yet, gonna get started in a few Weeks or a Month from now. Good luck guys!

First post! I was going to introduce myself first but when I saw this thread I couldn't resist. I think I have this one beat in all 3 categories. Nutria rats count right? 😆😁😅😂

Chris, I was raised in swamps of South Louisiana shooting those grass eaters years ago. Nice memories, they are lucky there were no Pcp"s or we would have made them extinct.


I'm in Baton Rouge, so not quite far south enough for me to call "South LA" not quite "swamps". But nonetheless, endless supply of nutria. I'm doing my best to make them extinct.