Rat Hit List 2020

Visited the farm with Glem.Chally tonight for a last minute rat shoot. We named this one, "500cc". He looked bigger than my gun's airtank. Upper body shot with a 16grain Hades from about 25 metres = DRT. 



They're grain fed monsters without my help!

These couple got domed.

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That one on the right looks like Sammy the Bull 😂


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Came here for an update. I was out in my garage for a couple hours around 10:00 a.m. waiting on some chickens and pigeons with my EDgun R5M Standard in .25cal. I saw some movement under my hot pepper tree and was surprised to see a rat running back and forth during the day time. I usually shoot rats with my Leshiy .22 at 12 fpe to lessen over penetration around my house. This has been my first time using a 25cal on a rat. I had a good mound of dirt as a back stop and decided to take a shot as soon as his head came into view. Shot him from 8 yards away, no wind lol. I actually did him a favor due to all the hair salons and barber shops being closed due to COVID and gave him a nice haircut with a .25cal Predator Polymag.



Thanks. I just got this one now with my Leshiy from about 5 yards away. The body is about 9 inches long.


It makes my Leshiy look small lol.

Nice work Peskadot looks like a Mexican hairless haha.

Nice shooting on all those huge rats y’all! Got this female tree rat a few days ago with my RAW HMx .22, #18 for the year.

That's a fattie forsure Randall