Rat Table Pays Off…

Still need to refine the setup a bit and reposition the table. But was able to take these two tonight. The rats knew I was there because there was an unexpected by me, backlighting situation. Anyway stayed only an hour, as it was a long workday and I got cold. And like I mention I need to refind the setup. These two were taken at 15 yards, as you can see and hear. The Atomic with the TP on low and the CPHPs simply wreck them at those distance… Both rats were lobotomized…

Luis! Awesome shooting and fantastic videos! The second shot POI was so perfectly visible, so clear!
Thanks Randall, but at 15 yards, the majority of guys and gals here would do as well and with myriad platforms… The crux is simply getting out there, went out to simply prove I still can.🤓 As the weather warms and time, wife and rats allow? I will sit in the dark and snipe/nap some more…🙏
Thanks Randall, but at 15 yards, the majority of guys and gals here would do as well and with myriad platforms… The crux is simply getting out there, went out to simply prove I still can.🤓 As the weather warms and time, wife and rats allow? I will sit in the dark and snipe/nap some more…🙏
Luis , as to the nappin' in the dark , I've been there ! Great shots . Warmer weather is on the way.
Thanks Randall, but at 15 yards, the majority of guys and gals here would do as well and with myriad platforms… The crux is simply getting out there, went out to simply prove I still can.🤓 As the weather warms and time, wife and rats allow? I will sit in the dark and snipe/nap some more…🙏
Maybe true Luis...but, most are not as dedicated to get out there as you are my friend!
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850 is the brighter wavelength IR. If they keep seeing you , you might want to try the 940 IR module. Not as easy to see.
Thank you for the insight. I don’t believe I have the option of swapping out the integral unit on my Zulus. The workaround would be get a separate IR illuminator…🙏 Will head out again and see what I might…👍
The Zulus should swap. it a 40$ screw in piece. Link is from DNT website. You can find it cheaper if you shop around.

Still need to refine the setup a bit and reposition the table. But was able to take these two tonight. The rats knew I was there because there was an unexpected by me, backlighting situation. Anyway stayed only an hour, as it was a long workday and I got cold. And like I mention I need to refind the setup. These two were taken at 15 yards, as you can see and hear. The Atomic with the TP on low and the CPHPs simply wreck them at those distance… Both rats were lobotomized…View attachment 549911

Luis , this encouraged me to try a new set up at barn #3 last night. No table , but using an old window frame from another side of the cow area. I did get several shots before nailing one. It was like wack a mole as they traversed the manure area !! Since the cows were in up to the knees in this area because of a water leak there, I refrained from extraction for proof of connection, you (all) are gonna have to trust me on this.
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