Rattus interuptus…😈🙈🤓…

So its 9:30 pm, am sitting in my overwatch, Atomic XR with Zulus atop. The rats are starting to show.. The door behind me opens, lights come on. A young women in a sports’ top, bare mid drift and skin tight shorts is there to feed the cows! 🫣 We chat, she wants to look through the scope. Lights off, she’s impressed with the Zulus, not with the old dude…🙈 Turns out she is an owner of an adjacent farm with “rats”…🤓 So the night was a bust for rats, only got three. But the chat with the pretty lady, half my age? Priceless… Of course I told my wife, now the question is? Will I ever be allowed to go ratting again…😈
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Sounds like you may have a new spot to go shoot rats, but don't be surprised if your wife all of a sudden has a new found interest in shooting rats with you! :ROFLMAO:
I actually described her to the wife… and she said she knew this fit young thing, as my wife had interviewed her grandfather. When they had a Christmas tree farm… But yes, to a new permission.

“Yeah, I rat alone, with nobody else, you know when I rat alone, I prefer to be by myself”…🙈
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What a great night for you Luis! I am SURE your wife trusts you with all her heart! Another new permission!?
TBD… Going to ride over on the tandem bicycle with my wife to solidify my chances. Am seriously addicted to shooting rats, it never gets old…🙏

And that’s the last time Luis ever went “ratting” should’ve kept 🤫
Too exciting not too share, I’ve been interrupted before during ratting sessions. But never by a hot young lady half my age so athletically dressed… 🙈🤓😈
TBD… Going to ride over on the tandem bicycle with my wife to solidify my chances. Am seriously addicted to shooting rats, it never gets old…🙏

Too exciting not too share, I’ve been interrupted before during ratting sessions. But never by a hot young lady half my age so athletically dressed… 🙈🤓😈
Luis, good thinking on your part to introduce the wife to the farmers! And yes, injecting rats with lead to help them with their insomnia is well, addicting! 😂👍
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Luis, good thinking on your part to introduce the wife to the farmers! And yes, injecting rats with lead to help them with their insomnia is well, addicting! 😂👍
Randall, it was actually through my wife that I acquired my permissions. She being the more social of us two.
There's a moment on all men life on which there's a collision among beautiful young ladies we see vs. our age and what we need to take care of to keep our marriage and family well oriented.

One good way to handle it is shooting rats... Doubtless !
Very wise words. I feel like I’m 18 in my head but in reality the grey hairs don’t lie. Gotta be careful. Just keep shooting rats and everything will be alright.