RAW Rapid RAW HM1000 X Questions.

Hi Guys,

I am in need of some help from the RAW Gurus.

Since I bought my RAW it has been nothing but amazing, won many competitions or placed in the top 5 with it consistently.
She came from the box shooting .22 JSB Redesigns at around 925ish. At a stage the hammer was removed to check for dirt (there was none), this is when my issues started.

Set the speed over a chrony to 928. But I never got the same results with it after that.

I also found that my 2 preferred batches, the one shoots around 15-20fps faster.
And off course the different readings I get from different chrony"s.

My question is this. How sensitive is the RAW to hammer spring adjustments?
Any insights would be appreciated.
It really depends on what spring you are using. If you are using a short, stiff spring, HS adjustment will be more sensitive. If you are using a longer, thin-wired spring, HS adjustment will be more forgiving - meaning it may take more of a turn/turns to see the effect.

My guess is that your inconsistency is due to the JSB MRD's. These have been really inconsistent the past couple years. I have found the shallows to have the same poor quality. The deeps were fairly good since they came from new dies. The Lights I have found to be EXCEPTIONAL!

You may also want to try the JTS/AEA pellets around the same weight. They seem to be really well liked and of excellent quality. I don't use them because they have all fit too tight in my barrel.
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The JSB batches I have is both excellent.
Plenty of guys shooting them with excellent results, very confident it is not the pellets.
The rifle has shot a 229 at 100m with them.

I have found I can adjust from about 910 to 960 on the hammer spring, a little less when my trigger is set very light.
So somewhere in that, call it 50fps is the sweet spot. I am just struggling to find it again.

I took the rifle to the range today and started shooting groups at 25m. Left the chrony at home.
Where it was adjusted to over the chrony, the groups were bad. Started going up by about a quarter turn at a time and the groups started getting smaller.
I got it to where I am happy with the grouping for now. Will have to take it indoors to fine tune.

So it seems my rifle is VERY sensitive to hammer adjustments, even when you can only adjust within a 50fps window.
Any other RAW owners found the same with their rifles?

One thing I have learned is chrony numbers mean nothing, where I had the speed set to 928fps with a spread of 7fps and SD of 1.8fps, the results on paper was bad. No idea what speed the rifle is shooting at now, will put it over a chrony when I have fine tuned it indoors, just so I have a reference when changing batches.
It is IMO .. pretty safe to say that when nearly ANY PCP platform that has a smallish size plenum for the power a tune is trying to extract, that it will be very touchy in pressure & hammer strike finding where the peak output will be found.
While also making note on 1000X rifles also having two different plenum sizes ( Older X's are smaller & Newer X's being slightly larger )

It is JMO that RAW rifles commonly get purchased & tuning on them pushed to the limits of the platforms capability and is sadly many times outside what would be a much easier & sustainable state of tune if lowered a bit.