RAW HM1000X Inbound

RAW IS IN DA HOUSE!! Got it today at work, unboxed it and gave it a quick look over before the office police got nosey. Really nice looking gun. I was afraid the stock would look too bulky from some of the photos but everything was kept in proportion. It's actually a little shorter than I envisioned also. Compared to my FX500 it's about 2'' shorter, another plus. I'm bad about bumping door jambs with the 500. The moderator is a hoss! I didn't expect it to be that fat (OD). Being that large gives the gun a shorter look I believe, kind of carbine-ish.

Got it home to do the scope mounting and barrel cleaning. Apparently the barrel was cleaned before it left the factory. I didn't hardly get even a smudge on the wetted patch. Maybe that's a good sign of things to come. Had time to shoot it a little at 60 and 80yds before I called it quits. Best group at 60 was less than a .500" for about 7 shots. Then some of the other partial groups were about the same then I'd pull a couple 3/4'' away. I didn't spend much time at all at 80 but it was looking good as well.

Sound wise, about the same as my Royale and call that backyard friendly. The carbon fiber barrel sleeve looks sharp as well as the CF moderator. The receiver looks heavy duty to say the least. The cocking is smooth but requires a little extra seating of the pellet but it's predictable and normal.

The trigger is great... a very light and effortless first stage, coming up to a definite second stage that trips at 6.0-6.2oz's. 

Called it quits outdoors and thought I'd see how fast it was shooting and it ES. Here's 15 shots, 904,915,919,915,913,921,914,912,914,907,916,913,909,910,916. I think that first shot was just the regulator waking up after I had just filled the gun. There claim from the info I saw was 880ish shooting these heavies. I believe 915fps is about 63ftlbs. I'll spend some time in the next few days trying a little lower speed and see what that does to my groups. I'm thinking 880 will yield even better results.
It was too late for photos but I'll get some tomorrow. Now maybe I can sleep better tonight knowing it's here.
Later guys
I just received the same gun but with the forest green stock from Precision airguns. They are always awesome to deal with. What a awesome gun. I only had a chance to put 2 mags through it but its shooting great. On my last 4 shots I tried my 150 yard target. I didn't go and measure it but sure looked well under 2 inch. I think this is going to be a awesome shooter for sure.
Ok, here are some photos, but first thought I'd share the shot count. I shot four mags (48shots)from 230bar to what looked like about 145bar before the velocity started falling off. Low was 906, high was 921. The majority of the shots were in the 910-916 range. That was with pellets straight from the tin. Been a little breezy today so far but maybe it'll die down this evening for some group shooting.
WOW!!! Great looking wood on that stock, I think it gives Tominco's Crown a run for the money. Are you two guys in on some super great looking wood grain conspiracy or something? ;) And the carbon fiber shroud and off set moderator, just gorgeous. Awesome looking gun, and I'm sure she's just as beautiful inside. That's some serious FPE from a .25 cal. PCP. Congrats!!!