RAW Rapid RAW HM1000X-MPA Chassis


Don't know the history of this rifle.

Shot it for the first time 08-24.

Used the .22 14 grain Crosman Premier Hollow Points while testing grips, thumb rests and finger spacers

When I put together the correct setup this rifle shot like nothing else I own. The trigger is absolutely fantastic.

It is tuned for 22 grain pellets so the 14's are being spanked a bit hard and thus have a very, very, fast loud bark in protest, but I still was able to put together ragged one hole 5 shot groups at 20 yards.

I have an ARCA to PICATINNY coming which should allow me to better balance the rifle on the bipod for my style of shooting.

The HM1000X is a fantastic build and the MPA Chassis is an absolutely stunning piece of very functional metalwork.
Add a plenum to the rifle and you will really be able to push the lead. Have mine right now shooting a 30 grain slug at 950 fps.

These stocks are great once they are set up. They feel great and balance very well.
The current tune is for JTS pellets, I believe 22 to 24 grain at 945 fps.

If I they let me use a Tripod for Extreme Field Target Open Class, I may have to drop the FPE to not damage the targets.
What targets are they planning on using?

I have been talking with NDwind about maybe doing something like this in our area for fun. Being as there are not many of us airgun people up in this area. But instead of using the knockdown field target style targets, would use standard steel targets at different ranges. Thinking about a max rang of around 200 yards and a close range of around 50 or so yards.
What targets are they planning on using?

I have been talking with NDwind about maybe doing something like this in our area for fun. Being as there are not many of us airgun people up in this area. But instead of using the knockdown field target style targets, would use standard steel targets at different ranges. Thinking about a max rang of around 200 yards and a close range of around 50 or so yards.
They will be using knockdown.

Since you have the distance, set up a 200 yard challenge.

Square steel plates hung as diamonds at the following yardage, plate dimensions are in inches:

50 2x2
75 3x3
100 4x4
125 5x5
150 6x6
175 7x7
200 8x8

You get 20 shots total. You must start at 50 yards and hit each plate once before you advance to the next plate. Once you advance you cannot go back.

Your score is yardage x number of hits.

The goal is go as far as you think you can and bang that plate as many times as your skill allows.

On a windy day you may make 150 in 4 shots and miss 16 times while someone else stops at 125 and bangs it 17 times.
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