Hopefully when things settle down around here I can get back to testing the RAW with a little less speed. It's been a week since I was able to shoot due to work and weather. I settled at 890-895 because that's where it happened to be set when the groups finally started tightening up. I don't think it was necessarily that velocity that made it start grouping but finally getting the barrel good and seasoned with less cleaning. Who knows, even though it would shoot .20-.30 at fifty maybe it would help it at 97yds as well slowed down a little.
As far as sizing, the only thing that is being sized with my .252 sizing die is the skirt but I think this does help eliminate a few fliers and I think the OD of the pellets skirts being all the same going into the gun (the 500) has helped. I'm still working a better method to head size sort. I have tried using the same die on the weight sorted pellets for the RAW but so far I haven't notice the benefit. Nothing definite, good or bad.