Thanks. I remember this post from way back when and looked it up the other day too. I was hoping to find a way to get the rear end cap off of the barrel without having a big press. After creating this post this morning, I did get it off. I removed the small set screw, heated it up nice and hot and it slid right off, very easily. After I had been struggling with it all morning, I didn’t think it was going to come off without a press. I was pretty amazed at how easily it cam off. Maybe removing the set screw completely and heating up the adhesive for the 10th time is just what it took.
I met with Neil this morning, he gave me a small moderator he made for my son’s Zbroia and then I gave him our RAW to work his magic. He’s going to make 2 or 3 different designs to see what works best but he wants to make a long, thin moderator to match the shroud’s diameter pretty closely that mounts partially up the moderator to decrease overall length. He’s going to test a few before finally deciding on the best version. I’m going to create a post talking about that moderator specifically because I have talked to at least 3-4 people who want to replace the offset moderator on their RAW. After Neil is done with mine, he’ll be dialed in and know exactly how to make the best version to replace the offset design on the RAW. People will be able to contact him and have a moderator made without sending in their gun or taking a bunch of measurements.