im better now i took 2 tin of pellets and fired them down range ,,ahh medical lead hits the spot every time pun intentional,went to the dunes and shot until the mosqitos had more of my blood than i did ,i encountered 3 people all with dogs,,walking out the last dog unleashed started giving me the look and growling ,i said hey man your dogs growling at me he said dont worry its your bag ,, i had a red duffel bag i yelled to the guy what is he half boll ,,the guy paused watched me pull my shooting stick out of the bag and said what are you gonna do with that i told some thing like he was gonna need it to pry the dog out of his ass for refusing to leash him ,,,,i ended up walking a couple hundred yards most of the time backwards for fear this dog was gonna bite me ,,the dog walked me all the way to my car growling the whole time ,,i ended up feeling bad for the dog most folk would of gone to other measures to protect themselves ,i easily could of shot and killed the dog ,i dont believe it was the dogs fault it was a lousy owner that needs to smarten up