"Imold"I wount call Sandra unless I need to so for now it's speculation on how many a week for me....
Yeah, I choose my calls to Sandra judiciously. Besides, I don't think she really knows what's going on. She always has to put me on hold and I hear her and Martin yelling at each other in the background!
That's how it was for me,now that's funny, a yelling relationship hahaha....
"Imold"The 81.02 weight in at 80.66 I'm going to grab my scale and check a few now.
Now that I'm really getting into this with high-end PCPs and trying different rounds, I want to make sure I'm putting rounds through my baby that will not damage her. So, I'm weighing and measuring dimensions; all that stuff. Plus, I want to find just the right set-up to really yack-em smack-em out to 100 yards!
WOW.......and I did several,even had 2 hit 80.7..
"Imold"WOW.......and I did several,even had 2 hit 80.07..
I was really surprised at the relatively high SD on the JSBs. They are supposed to be the mackdaddy of the pellet world. That's a nice scale; what is that?
Says Frankford Arsenal Reloading Tools on it, I probably bought it through Cheeper then Dirt or Midway USA...
"Imold"Guess I'll be weighing pellets/bullets now goshnabit and here I thought I was done weighing things I shot.
You can go as far down the rabbit hole as you want with this airgun thang. Ain't it grand?
Ya I'm finding out it's not a point and shoot hobby/sport...seems like any hobby I do from Fly Fishing to Harley's ,Hotrods,Nitro RC to Archery it all gets way to technical for what it should be and that's FUN...
"Imold"WOW.......and I did several,even had 2 hit 80.07..
I was really surprised at the relatively high SD on the JSBs. They are supposed to be the mackdaddy of the pellet world. That's a nice scale; what is that?
Says Frankford Arsenal Reloading Tools on it, I probably bought it through Cheeper then Dirt or Midway USA...
There's a HUGE price differential in digital jeweler's scales when you go from 0.001 g to 0.0001 g. I bought the best 0.001 g scale they had. No way was I paying that outrageous price. Besides, you don't need that high a tolerance for what we're doing. I mostly just want a comparative analysis; I don't really need it to be all that accurate. Except for the calipers. There, accuracy is important. I kinda sprung for them.
"Imold"Guess I'll be weighing pellets/bullets now goshnabit and here I thought I was done weighing things I shot.
You can go as far down the rabbit hole as you want with this airgun thang. Ain't it grand?
Ya I'm finding out it's not a point and shoot hobby/sport...seems like any hobby I do from Fly Fishing to Harley's ,Hotrods,Nitro RC to Archery it all gets way to technical for what it should be and that's FUN...
I was never this much into ballistics when I shot PBs. With them it pretty much is just point and click. With airguns, you really gotta know your stuff.
"Imold"Guess I'll be weighing pellets/bullets now goshnabit and here I thought I was done weighing things I shot.
You can go as far down the rabbit hole as you want with this airgun thang. Ain't it grand?
Ya I'm finding out it's not a point and shoot hobby/sport...seems like any hobby I do from Fly Fishing to Harley's ,Hotrods,Nitro RC to Archery it all gets way to technical for what it should be and that's FUN...
I was never this much into ballistics when I shot PBs. With them it pretty much is just point and click. With airguns, you really gotta know your stuff.
For me it was long range target shooting with the 6.5 Creedmoor and I reload 9 other caliber's...... probably still have 9-12 lbs of powder downstairs along with cases,primers,bullets....now it sits,never got back into it since my 3rd big heart attack......also have my ham license,my base radio is a Kenwood TS2000.....
Gentlemen.. I just caught myself up on the conversation ..wasn't feeling well yesterday the heat kind of knocked the crap out of me.. I was stuck in an attic all day fixing air conditioners ..had to been 125 degrees .I'mold glad it all came together for you.. you guys are way ahead of me in terms of tools and all that I'm just a rookie I need to get myself a scale and a caliper I talked to Sandra yesterday about getting a single shot tray for my 30 caliber they were all out she said it wasn't a priority right now to make them but would save me one of each caliber one they are made so the other day I was going through some of the pictures of the raw rifles I'm not really computer savvy to put a picture on the site is not an easy task for me there are too many rifle models Martin has what is a straight bull barrel with a smaller air tank the other is a double shrouded rifle have you guys seen them
I'm so hooked on this airgun thing it's not even silly I never thought I would find a hobby or sport then totally consumed me like this sunbelievable to say the least and these raw rifles they just put me over the top I feel like we should hold a banquet and bring all of our raw rifles and display them that's how freaked out I am about these but I'm loving every minute of it airgun Nation number one pat
"hynzie"Gentlemen.. I just caught myself up on the conversation ..wasn't feeling well yesterday the heat kind of knocked the crap out of me.. I was stuck in an attic all day fixing air conditioners ..had to been 125 degrees .I'mold glad it all came together for you.. you guys are way ahead of me in terms of tools and all that I'm just a rookie I need to get myself a scale and a caliper I talked to Sandra yesterday about getting a single shot tray for my 30 caliber they were all out she said it wasn't a priority right now to make them but would save me one of each caliber one they are made so the other day I was going through some of the pictures of the raw rifles I'm not really computer savvy to put a picture on the site is not an easy task for me there are too many rifle models Martin has what is a straight bull barrel with a smaller air tank the other is a double shrouded rifle have you guys seen them
I started from double zero less than a year ago on this airgunnery tip. I was hooked immediately. I had literally NOTHING a year ago airgun related. Now I have virtually all of the implements of destruction. You'll get the stuff as the need arises. Most of the stuff lasts for years and services virtually any kind of gun platform.

As far as the posting of pictures thang, Michael has now incorporated in-house image hosting. Simply click on the picture icon (the little square with the mountain range and sun) in the function bar at the top of the dialog box and follow the prompts. Easey-peasey!