Done-that was easy. Took a few minutes to realize the sliding plate was symmetric so it just needed to be flipped over to put the gun stop on the correct side of the rest (to convert the handle over to the left side). The stupid springy cable is now off, as is the handle.

Now I just need to find a parts store that carries the carburetor studs and I can put the handle back on. I’m going to try NAPA tomorrow-hopefully they have them...

Well my other Aztec Emerald showed up today so now I’m just waiting for the HMx .30 to get here Friday or Monday and i also ordered 4 more tins of 44.75s and 1 tin of polymags to try, going to put a set of medium Hawke rings on the scope and hope the mag clears, these Hawke rings look low compared to my other medium rings but I’ll give them a shot, think I can get it to where the center of the scope is just enough back for the mag to clear...One step closer now.
I got the needed carb stud from NAPA today (part number ST-20, for $1.99), and it installed perfectly. Fine thread was about 1-9/16”. Works great, and much less clunky than that spring cable setup. 

