I 1st only mowed a 70ft x 100ft area around the camper but now it's way different,the mowed area is green now and bigger around the camper.
My property is 12.7 acres. The pic of the targets is looking south and about 50 yards behind the 100 yard target is a creek that is my south property border with connects two real big lakes so the fishing in the creek is good,Bass,Northern,Blue gill,Crappie and Walleye once in awhile. Can't leave out the Carp and Bullheads either.
"Imold"Another pic,before I had my 75 and 100 yard targets set up.
Livin' the dream.
It was a Hay field on the property and I've mowed some of it down and eventually it will become all grass where I've mowed, the farmers around my property stop by and tell me how nice it looks noe especially from the highway, I've mowed the ditches and both sides of the driveway which is about 150 yards long so it does look nice from the highway now, I have brought a couple neighbors to the back of my property where my camper,range and creek are and they are blown away on what I've done.
Ive probably doubled the value of the property from what I paid and that's no joke, I never thought it would turn out that nice, even the shooting range turned out better then I thought it would...
"Imold"It was a Hay field on the property and I've mowed some of it down and eventually it will become all grass where I've mowed, the farmers around my property stop by and tell me how nice it looks noe especially from the highway, I've mowed the ditches and both sides of the driveway which is about 150 yards long so it does look nice from the highway now, I have brought a couple neighbors to the back of my property where my camper,range and creek are and they are blown away on what I've done.
Ive probably doubled the value of the property from what I paid and that's no joke, I never thought it would turn out that nice, even the shooting range turned out better then I thought it would...
That's gorgeous.
"marcella69"No, Imold; I have not seen these pics before. Jeesh, what I wouldn't give to have that set-up!! I am now officially jealous. Extreme Benchrest ain't go nothin' on you, my friend! What is the lush green carpet that covers the landscape? Is that this grass I've been hearing so much about? All we have down here on the border is cacti, palm trees, and sand.
One of the reasons I moved back north from Phoenix,woke up one day and said I'm sick of pavement,cement,rocks and cactus so I moved back north.
You can see I left some of the Hay standing,about 3-4 acres right in that area,left it so the Deer,Turkey and other critters wouldn't leave the area,have a few cameras set out around the property and there is a lot of activity when I'm not out there BUT I have gotten pics of 2 coyotes that are in that area so when I get my RAW and it sighted in the 1st job ill assign it to is coyote eradication.....
"Imold"You can see I left some of the Hay standing,about 3-4 acres right in that area,left it so the Deer,Turkey and other critters wouldn't leave the area,have a few cameras set out around the property and there is a lot of activity when I'm not out there BUT I have gotten pics of 2 coyotes that are in that area so when I get my RAW and it sighted in the 1st job ill assign it to is coyote eradication.....
The yotes better honor curfew down here on the border once my RAW arrives!
"Imold"You can see I left some of the Hay standing,about 3-4 acres right in that area,left it so the Deer,Turkey and other critters wouldn't leave the area,have a few cameras set out around the property and there is a lot of activity when I'm not out there BUT I have gotten pics of 2 coyotes that are in that area so when I get my RAW and it sighted in the 1st job ill assign it to is coyote eradication.....
The yotes better honor curfew down here on the border once my RAW arrives!
Darn Right. Taking no prisoners,in this case coyotes...Can we say Fertilizer....

In reply to Pat.....
Worked very hard most of my life and the thanks I got was a BIG Heart Attack 5 years ago and 2 since I have CAD, I'm 100% disabled due to saver Nerve Damage in ny neck,c7 thru c3 are fused and plated and they will not touch c1 or c2, o even went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Mn and seen the Neuro Surgen there and they didn't want to do anymore surgery due to the danger of it,the c7 when it collapsed and broke cut into mt nerve for left hand and I've lost about half the use of it( I'm left handed) and when my c6 went it did the same to my right hand but not as bad,they also tried moving my Alder Nerve in my left arm around the elbow but both times did nothing,they also tried to release pressure by doing carpel tunnel surgery in my left hand...They ended up putting a Morphine pump in my lower back and ran a tube up to my neck with 6 little tubes running off that and put them by the different nerves to help me with Chronic pain, had me on Oxy then over to Fentynall(spl) but that just made me a veggie in a way, last 7 years have been a tuff road for me and now I think it's been somewhat paved for now, my next move is getting on the HT list in a few yrs from the sound of things.....That's the basics.....
I'm designing a new roll up tarp for my shooting canopy so I don't have to remove it all the time, ya I still need to find a better way to secure the frame to the ground so the high winds don't destroy it but until then I'm doing something like the grain trucks use with the roll up tarp,mine won't have the crank handle tho....I'll post pick when I get out to the shooting range and get it up.
"hynzie"imold wow looks like the annual Raw fest gonna take place at your digs,,,lol ps i been wondering what do u mold
Hahaha sure I have plenty of room for tents and campers,closest hotel is 20+ miles away but on a serious note if something comes up in a more centralized area of the States I might even try to make it,all depends on health. Tennessee would be ideal for it, right around Hill Manor..Missouri would work also...
I basically can only shoot from the bench now,standing and shooting freehand is ok for a shot or two but then the pain starts getting worse and then I can use this every 4 hours to boost the Morphine a bit to ease the pain. I believe this is why my wife has been so tolerant with me on some of the things I've done lately, she knows it's tuff on me and wants me to enjoy what I can. Here is the Booster I use.