25m. What kind of gun you shoot at 25meters? Is it your raw?
These guns are so accurate that at 25 meters it's going to be literally 1 whole the size of a pellet. I have never seen an actual pellet gun competition and this year I will get to be at the ebr!!!!
Now I have to go to a range to stretch the legs on this raw. I am not looking forward to that. We don't have a gun range where I live so that's the big draw towards an air gun.
Once a month on a competition. Sounds like fun. I wonder if the wife will let me attend.
hi Rey,
Yes I shoot the Raw. I shot it the first time at a match a couple of weeks ago.
So 25 meter competition you have to shoot a Target 2 mm in diameter for a 10 Ring shot from a distance of 82 ft away or 25m.
2 mm is just over one sixteenth of an inch. for each round you have to shoot 25 targets inside of 20 minutes. You have three rounds that you have to shoot for a total of 75 targets worth 10 points each so a total possible score of 750.
These matches are shot Outdoors our range normally has winds running anywhere up 15 to 20 mile-an-hour shifting from left to right throwing your shots sometimes well over an inch. The good shooters use 4-6 wind flags as the wind is different across the whole course.
The the challenge of this shooting is mostly the wind judging it, judging any shift in direction or speed which is always changing, timing your shots with the Wind judging your hold over or under and doing it within a time constraint.
Even a 9 ring shot is only .31 in in diameter so both of those are easy to miss with the Wind.
My last match which was only my second match I scored a 697 which is an okay score nothing 2 brag about. To do that I hit the 10 Ring right at 50% of the time and still had a score that low.
A friend of mine that I was talking to last night showed me his card from Tucson last week where he scored a 743 out of a possible 750 which meant he only missed the 10 Ring 7 times out of 75.
Each of those seven times would still have to be a 9 ring shot to get that score.
To put that in further perspective that is 99% of a perfect score that is great shooting.
25 meter competition is an extremely challenging and fun sport hopefully you get to try it sometime I'm having a blast with it.
If you want to try it at home go to the website that I linked earlier and they have Targets on there that you can print out yourself and layout of course at your house and give it a try it's a lot of fun.
Here is a link to the target page.
http://www.phoenixairgun.net/targets Hopefully this information sucks a bunch of other shooters into this challenging sport.